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122/3 (cont.)

Darwin, C.R.   Maturin, C.G.

Darwin, Sir G.H.   Morgan, A.

Du Cahe, Sir E.F.   Playfair, L.

Evans, E.B.   Rawson, Sir R.W.

Framer's magazine   Robinson, A.

Gilchrist, J.   Romanes, G.J.

Green, E.P.   Tabor, M.C.

Hill, C.G.   Townsend, M.

Hooker, Sir J.D.   Wright, F.W. Lumhington, V.

122/4, A review of FG's paper on the history of   1876 s and seven letters about freemartins from

Clarke, J.A.   Evans, Sir J.

Corbet, H.   Evans, S. Duckham, T.

123. Longevity inves   ion. Blank and completed   1876 forms, FG's notes an his Inquiry into the relation between vigour in the offspring and

age in the parents. Six letters from   1874,76

Maturin, C.G.   Stanger Leathes, F.

Rochussen, A.   Whaler, E.A.

124. Newspaper cuttings on marriage, heredity and   1877,81,86 on FG's lecture at the Royal Institution on Typical laws of heredity

125. Notes by FG on register offices and registration and five letters from

Register Office, Dublin   1883 Register Office, London

Registrar General's Office, Edinburgh

Record of Family Faculties London: MacMillan, 1884

126/1(A and B). Sixteen notebooks of data collected 1883 from completed Records of Family Faculties, circular letters about family registers and FG's offer of monetary prizes for the most satisfactory Records with one letter from

Macmillan & Co.   1884

126/2(A and B). MSS, notebooks and observations by FG compiled from family records. The subjects are Phthisis, Eye colour, Heights, Art and Music, Uncles and nephews, surnames

and Good and bad temper in English families.