119/2 (cont.)
Burton, Sir R.F. Markham, Sir C.M. Grove, Sir G. Pollock, Sir W.F. Macdonell, J.R. Ravenstein, E.G.
Heredity in man (1865-1909)
Hereditary Genius London: MacMillan, 1869
120/1. rking papers, notebooks and bio
grap material for his Hereditary Genius
120/2. Twenty-four letters concerning FG's work 1865-69 on Hereditary Genius from
Des Voeux, J.G. Sidgwick, M.
Hawkins Smith, S.E.
Kennedy, B.H. Vignoles, C. B.
Manning, E. Wade, Sir T.F.
Palgrave, F.T. Watson, R.S. Reeve, H.
120/3. FG's notes, family trees, newspaper cuttings 1868-92 and correspondence for the second edition of Hereditary Genius. Letters from
Butler, J.F. Pollock, Sir W.F.
Coleridge, C.E. Pycroft, J.
Holland, H.T. Sinclair, J.A.
Horwill, H.W. Stephen, Sir J.F.
Law, C. Taylor, l.
Mylne, M. Wickham, W.
Peacock, J, Young, F.M. Pierce, J.
120/4. Thirty-one letters to FG following the 1868-98 publication of Hereditary Genius from
Austen-Leigh, J.F. Lewes, G.H.
Barker, R.V. Lushington, W.B.
Browne, H. Markham, Sir C.R.
Campbell, W.F. Morley, J.
Churchman, H. Pollock, A.
Coleridge, C.E. Pollock, Sir W.F.
Donne, W.B. Priestley, E.
Frere, M. Ralisch, M.
Gardner, J. Stuart, J.F.D,C,
Gregory, C.H. Sykes, J.
Gregory, F.W. Tabor, M.
Jebb, H.G. Ward, G.W.C.
Lay, H.C. Watson, H.W.
120/5. Reviews of ereditary Genius from newspapers, 1869-70 journals and m ines