117/5. Newspaper cutting describing FG's new 1877 process for verifying thermometers at the Kew Observatory
117/6. Notes by FG on a Ratemeter 1903
117/7. Diagrams by FG on compass bearings expressed c 1906 by colour, whistling with fingers and an unidentified piece of apparatus
Meteorology (1857-1905)
118/1. Printed meteorological papers including 1857-1905 weather maps, Buchan's Rainfall, Glaisher's
peratures, reports of the meteorological Committee of the Royal Society and the Board of Trade
118/2. A copy of Meteorographica by FG, London: 1861,63 MacMillan; synchronous weather chart of England with charts and a circular
118/3. MSS, notes, tables and diagrams by FG on cyclones and anti-cyclones. 30 ff.
118/4. MSS by FG of Camera for use in measuring 1877 the height and distance and rate of movement
of clouds with remarks by G.G.Stokes, and of r
camera obscura for smoke-cloud. 1884
Notes by FG and six letters from 1881-3
Noble, Sir A. Smith, H.J. Stokes, Sir G.G.
118/5. Bound copy of FG's contribution on n.d. meteorology for the Encyclopaedia Brittanica
118/6. Framed pastel of the Great Metior (sic) of n.d. June 20 as seen by James Nasmyth at Penshurst, Kent
The Reader, a review journal published by FG and others (1864-65)
119/1. Notes made by FG at the first meeting of 1864 shareholders, printed notice and a circular
letter about The Reader 1865
119/2. Ten letters in connexion with the publica- 1864-5 tion of The Reader from
Bates, H.W. Barrett, W.G.