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113* FG's copy of          n of species by Charles   1859 Darwin, London: o n

114. Handwritten volume of Notes of travel, a   1871 traveller's vade mecum by James Collins

115. Photograph of Charles Babbage with a note by   n.d. FG on the back: 'He never was photographed except on this occasion'

116. FG's copy of The oriental a entures of Long   n.d. Jack and Stout Dick by Lady S ange

PAPERS RELATING TO SIR FRANCIS GALTON'S SCIENTIFIC WORK (Arranged in chronolog al. order under each subject heading) Papers in conn    o with appara   ents (1850-1906)

(see also List of Galton apparatus)

117/1. Proof of one page of The telotjpe by FG,   1850 13 ff of sketches and 6 ff of an untitled MS by FU

117/2. Descriptive notes, corre ondence and   1859-72 diagrams by FG on the folio ing instruments: Altazimuth, Hand heliostat, Humidity clock, Hypsometer [], Lighthouse signals, Sextants, the "Tactor" machine and Wave engine Sixteen letters from

Casella, L.P.   Kinahan, C.H.

Collinson, Sir R.   Merrifield, C.W.

Darwin, Sir G.H.   Sabine, Sir E.

Galton, Sir F.   Watson, H.W.

117/3. FG's draft and orking papers for spectacles [1865] for divers and the ' ion of amphibious animals, one letter from Plateau, F,   1866

117/4. FG's MSS and drawings, printed matter about   1867-70 his pantagraph for co-ordinating the results of self-recording meteorological instruments. Five letters from

Baxendell, J.   Galton, Sir F.

Beck, J.   Stewart, B. De la Rue & Co., Thomas