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OCR Rendition - approximate

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102. Three!ments with wagon drivers.   1850

A pencil sketch by FG of Nangoro (framed)   1851

103. Newspaper cuttings about FG's Damaraland   1850-53

expedition in Africa. Copies of letters from

FG and newspaper articles sewn together in a


Corres ondence between Sir Francis GALTON, his parents a d brothers and sisters (1830-1905)

104. Three letters from Milicent Ad le Bunbury   [c 1831-641 (nle Galton)

105. Fifty-eight letters from Fmma Sophia Galtcn   [18401 -


106. Seven letters from Erasmus Galton   1840-1906

107. Two letters from Frances Anne Violetta   [18441 -

Galton (nee Darwin)   1866

212 letters from Sir Francis Galton to his   1830-1905 family:

108A. 1830

108B. 1830-31 from Boulogne, with 10 copies in a


108C. 1832-39 108D. 1840 108E. 1841

108F. 1842-44, 1848 108G. 1866-86 108H. 1890-1905

109. Twelve letters from Samuel Tertius Galton and   1837--44

his essay on book-keeping

110. One letter from Lucy Harriot Moilliet (nee   1845


111. Fifty-one letters from Elizabeth Ann "Besay^   1842.1905

Wheler (nee Galton)

Acquired papers and books*

112. FG's copy of Practical philosophy by John Carr 1843

with 2 ff of notes by FG

*Among the Galton Bequest in The Galton Library, University College

London, there are more books with notes by FG and letters pasted in, see 189