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Sir Fra   GA


GAL'ION PAPERS c   c   1 onoura and awards

87. Nine certificates foe attending lectures at   1840,44 King's College London Medical School and other places

88(A and B) Diplomas and certificates for FG's   1845-1907 honours, awards and membership of learned societies. Twenty-four letters from

American Breeders Association Anthropological Society of Washington Asquith, H.H., 1st Earl of Oxford and

Asquith, Secretary Athenaeum Congres International de Psychologie

Physiologique, Paris

Exposition Universelle de 15589, Paris Geographische Gesellschaft, Vienna International Health Exhibition, London international Statistical Institute Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Leith, E.T.

Price, B.

Royal Geographical Society Royal Society

Royal Society of Literature of the U.K. Sandys, Sir ,I,F.

Scientific Lodge No 105 of the Ancient Free

and Accepted Masons

Society Ttaliana d'Antropol.ogia Soc_ieta Romana di Antropologia Societe d'Anthropologie, Brussels Societe de Geographic. Paris

Society Geograficc Italians, Florence Society for the encouragement of arts,

manufactures and commerce Waddington, W.H.

Medals awarded to and acquired by Sir Francis GALTON

89_ Two medals awarded to FG for services at

the Great Exhibition, London and the London   1862

International Exhibitions   1874

90. Six medals awarded to FG by learned societies

Societe de Geographic, one medal and a copy 1851 Royal Geographical Society 1853 The Royal Society gold medal and a plaster   1886


Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and   1901 Ireland, Huxley medal

The Royal Society Darwin medal 1902 The Royal Society Copley medal 1910 [All stored in the PCL Record Office Strong Room]