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76. A note by FG, newspaper cuttings and fifteen   1872,78 letters about Sir Henry Morton Stanley and the British Association meeting at Brighton from

Andrews, .J.   Markham, Sir C.R.   1872

Bates, R.W.   Roy.Geog.Soc.

Carpenter, W.B.   Stanley, Sir H.M.

Findlay, A.G.   White, E.

Major, R.H.   Wood, E.A.

77. Memorandum, notes for a speech by FG in   1891-93 connection with the Hausa Association. Thirty letters from

Fleming, Sir F. Robinson, C.H. Goldie, Sir G.D.T. Royal Niger Co. Hallen, A.H.   Sinclair, M.E.

78. First draft of FG's Reminiscences of H.Spencer,   1903 printed notice about Herbert Spencer's cremation

79. Newspaper cutting of FG's obituary by H.M.   1911 Butler. Glass negative of FG's grave in the churchyard at Claverdon

80. Eighty-eight letters about FG's estate from   1911-12

Barclay & Co

J.R.Holliday, Special Commissioners of Income Tax W.J.Pope, University of London E.G.Wheler-Galton

Wragge & Co

Sir Francie GALTON's own anthropometry

81. Report on FG's character by C.Donovan,   1849 phrenologist

82. Comparative measurements of FG and W.E.Glad-   [c 1884] stone taken at the Anthropometric Laboratory

83. FG's measurements entered on a questionnaire   1889 of the Cambridge Philosophical Society

84. Bertillon system cards with two photographs   1892-3 of A.Bertillon and of FG

85. Three sets of PC's fingerprints and a print   1902-3

of his right band   n.d.

86. Pencilled outline and cut-out of FG's profile   [1905?]