66. Three notebooks containing FG's sketches and
notes of a holiday in Scotland; a journey to the 1839
Danube, Turkey, Syria and Greece; and a holiday 1840
in Hastings 1844
67. Memento and notes by FG of a holiday in 1842 Scotland
68. Nine poems by FG including The birth of The 1840-44 Prince of Wales. A petition by FG and a 'joke' letter by Buxton. Nine photographs of Trinity College, Cambridge and the Royal Institution
with Faraday lecturing. One letter from 1840
Blakesley, J.W.
69. Papers and newspaper cuttings relating to FG's 1855-58 lectures at. Aldershot and the United Services Institution on the Arts of Campaigning. Catalogue of models and specimens arranged by FG for the Army Museum, Woolwich. One letter
from the War Office 1858
70. Letter from FG to his mother and sister from 1860 Logrono, Spain describing the eclipse of the sun
71. Notes by FG for the Knapsack guide, one printed page and a letter from
Murray, John 1864
72. Notes made by FG of visits to the Foundling 1868
Hospital and to Earlswood Asylum 1880
73. Folder containing FG's notes on his attack of 1875-92 influenza, seven prescriptions and doctors' instructions and a record of his temperature, height and weight
74. Watercolour, drawing, photographs and offprints from gardening journals of Galtonia candicans (Hyacinthus candicans). Two letters from
Gardeners' chronicle, Editor Ghent, Royal Nursery
75(A,B,C) Miscellaneous papers including invitations, programmes, Royal Society conversazione catalogues, drawings, rock photograph,the contents of FG's wallett and his [1902) address book. One letter from Ellis, L.F. to K.Pearson
1881 1879-1906