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40. Typescript entitled Galton 11 being extracts   1844-1903 from other Galton Books

41. FG's notes of biographical material relating to   n.d. the character and qualities of the Galton family. 23 ff. A note giving information on births,

marriages and deaths. Obituaries of Samuel   1799

Galton and Samuel Tertius Galton   1844


42. Two copier of the printed genealogy of the Galton family

43. Genealogies of the Barclay, Butler, Darwin, Fox, Galton, Gray, Grey and Portmore families

44. MS notes on members of the Darwin family, 41 ff.

A copy of H.F.Burke's Pedigree of the family of   1888 Darwin, privately printed


45. Mezzotint of Sir Francis Sacheverell Darwin,   1789-96 si.x pen and ink drawings of incidents in his life as a boy at Full Street, Derby

46. Outline sketches of Samuel Tertius Galton and

his family. A mezzotint of Frances Anne

Violetta Galton. Four letters from Pryor, M.R.   1906

47A. Four photograph albums of FG's family and friends including the Butler and Darwin family

47B.   Forty-three photographs of FG's family and

friends, one framed miniature of FG   c 1849 Biographical papers (1822-1908)

48. FG's certificate of bap   , Mar 20   1822 49. Locks of FG's hair when a baby

50. FG's first attempts at w ting.   1825,26

Three letters from FG   1826-27

51. An account of FG as a child by a visitor to   1828 The Larches near Sparkbrook, Birmingham

52. FG's will written at the age of 8 yrs   1830