24. A letter from Arthur Howard Gallon enclosing a 1885 copy of his pamphlet An elegy in memory of my grandmother Teabella Galton
25. Autobiographical details of part of the life of 1815-57 Erasmus Galton 1 f
26. A letter from Samuel Galton (1720-1799) to 1788 H,Legge
27. Printed circular letter from Samuel Galton 1795 (1753-1832) to the Friends of the Monthly
Meeting in Birmingham enclosed in a letter from 1912 C.D.Sturge to Karl Pearson
28. Lease of Salton Mill from Samuel Galton 1819 (1753-1832) and Samuel Tertius Galton (1783-1844) to John Veasey and Thomas Pugh
Samuel Tertius GALTON (1783-1844)
29. Pamphlets, indenture, bookplate and notes by 1801-17 S.T.Galton
30. S.T,Galton's diaries and notebooks in shorthand 1829-44 with the key and transliterations.
One letter from L. de M.Carey to K.Pearson 1912
31. Obituary of Leonard Horner and seven letters to 1864 S.T.Galton from
Galton, J.H. Hadley, S. Horner, L. 184M44
32/1. Pamphlet about Mary Ann Schimmelpenninck n.d.
32/2. Copy of a letter from Leonard Horner to his 1810 mother about Mrs Elizabeth Darwin and her two daughters, Emma and Harriot
33. Three pocket books belonging to Edward Wheler 1859,62,77 (1798-1879)
34. Typescripts of Elizabeth Anne Wheler's memoirs 1855-58 taken from her diaries and one entitled The Galton Family arranged by Elizabeth Anne Wheler 1883
GALTON family books
35. Two green leatherbound books entitled Galton 1746-1926 Book, Vols I and II, handwritten by Elizabeth Anne Wheler with additions by her son Edward Wheler-Galton. The book falls into three parts: