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several times between 1885 and 1884 and was Chairman of its Meteorological Committee and its Committee on Evolution. He was President of the Royal Anthropological Institute from 1885-1888.

Galton's family was closely connected with the Darwins. Erasmus.Darwin was his grandfather and Charles Darwin his first cousin. He married Louisa Jane Butler in 1853. There were no children.


Karl Pearson's Lifet letters and labours of   ancis Galton, Cambridge: University Press 1914-1930

D.W.Forrest's Francis Galton: The life nd wor of a Victorian e~. ni us   London : 'El elc 1974

Francis Galton's Memories of my life   London: Methuen 1908 Obituaries, Dictionary of National Biography &c. Explanation of the list

The list is divided into three main sections: papers relating to the personal history of Sir Francis Galton and his family; papers relating to Sir Frmncis Galton's scientific work and, thirdly, correspondence.

In the first section, the papers are arranged in alphabetical order of the names of members of the family; letters between FG, his parents and his brothers and sisters will be found at the end of this section.

In the second section, the papers are divided into subjects and are arranged chronologically within each subject; letters relating to a particular piece of scientific work have been left with the working papers connected with them.

The correspondence is arranged in alphabetical order of the letter writer. If letters were found pasted in books they were left there. One book, number 191, was so badly damaged that it had to be dismantled but the letters in it were left together in one folder and arranged alphabetically.

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The papers may be seen in the Manuscripts Room, The Library, University College London. An alphabetical card index is available there. Requisition is by the list number of the document; in addition the writer and date of a letter is required for correspondence.
