OCR Rendition - approximate
Index 671 Tollemache, L., and Galton, IIIB 513, 554, 557 Tones Galton's scale of, 11313, 314, II 314 Plate XLV; pamtmg of portrait in various, II 314 Plate XLV ; mosaics of different, II 314 Tooth-Drawing, Galton's first experiment in, 1102 Topinard, scale of hair colour of, II 225; on value of anthropometric records, 11 398; letter of, to •Galton, 11226 Torsion Anemometer, devised by Galton, 11 44 Toss-Penny, Galton's mechanical, IIIB 545. Touch, and muscular appreciation, 1121.8; sensitivity of, in men and women, II 222; measurement of, 11374, and finger-prints, MA 168, 169, 178, 179 Town Life, Galton on, 11118; deterioration arising from, 11 124-126, 143; queries regarding effects of, 11 419 Townsend, Mrs, at Rutland Gate, IIIB 605 Toyama, K., work of, on silkworms, IIIA 301 Trace Computer, Galton's, 11 47, 48 Tracey, J., on eugenic certificates, IIIA 296 Trades- Unionism, and racial progress, 11 121 Tradition, and heredity, IIIA 409-411 Training, early, effects of, 11 96, 97 'Transformer,' to measure difference between individual and type, 11 311-315 Transfusion, experiments begun, II 88. See also Pangenesis Transition Studies, of Galton, 11 1-69 Transmission, of hereditary characters, 11 76, 77, 170, 182; mechanism of, 11 182-186 Travel, Galton and, I 24, 25, II 2-35, 49, 53, 73, 88, 152; need of aim and preparation for, 1197; Galton's enthusiasm for, I 122; and object in, I 24, 25; and rights of natives, II 30, 31; and climate, II 36; fellowships for, 11152, 153. See also Travels Travels, early, of Galton, I 92-98, 118, 120, 127-137, 178-180; in Egypt and Syria, 11199-205; exploratory in Africa, 1214-240; summary of Galton's, IIIB 443445; in Spain and Tangier, IIIB 507-512; in Egypt, IIIB 515-519; of Sir Francis S. Darwin, 122-24; of Charles Darwin, 124; of Admiral Sir Thomas Button, 1 36 'Treasury of Human Inheritance,' prospectus and first appearance of, IIIA 345, 346; suggestions regarding, IIIA 336, 342, 343, 361, 369; Galton's introductory note to, IIIA 361, 362; progress of, IIIA 356, 357, 360, 371, 372, 376, 377, 379, 389, 390, 426 Trench, G., to go to Boer war, IIIB 518 Trevelyan, Sir G., 'Life of Fox' by, IIIA 137; hon. fellow ship of, at Trinity College, Cambridge, IIIA 236,238 Triangulation, table for, 11 23, 24 Trinity College, Cambridge, Galton's entry at, I 140; rooms at, I 149, 150; sketches of rooms at, I 150 Plate LI, IIIB 453 Plate XLIII; Galton elected to honorary fellowship at, IIIA 236-238, 250, IIIB 521; Galton's portrait at, IIIA 379, IIIB 550-553, 572; Galton dines at, IIIB 574 Troite, Mr A., and Galton, IIIB 551, 552 'Trop Kirk,' material of, on colour of horses, IIIA 95 Tropics, and the white races, 1 133, 395, 397 Troup, C. E., and identification of criminals, IIIA 148 Tubercular disease, course of, and physical characters, 11292. See also Phthisis Tuppy, on careers of Indian Civil Servants, IIIA 247 Turgot, and application of mathematics to social phenomena, IIIA 1 Turner, Prof. H. H., and Galton, MA 400 Turner, Sir W., and Miss Alice Lee's degree, IIIB 514 Twins, heredity in, II 126-130, 180, 269; pedigrees of, II 129; statistics concerning, II 128, 129, 180; fertility of, 11 128; Dr Ogle's case of, 11 181; like and unlike, 111817, 188; hermaphrodites among, IIIA 359; finger-prints of, IIIA 190, 191, IIIA 191 Plate XVIII; Mrs Jebb's account of, IIIB 465 Tylor, and ' Nature,' 11 69; and anthropology, 11 334 Tyndall, J., lecture of, 'II 191; at exhibition of scientific
Tyndall, Mrs, at Hindhead, IIIA 277, 323, MB 584 Type, anthropometric description of, 11 380; and individual, measure of difference between, 11 311 Types, origin of, IIIA 31; stability of, and regression, IIIA 46; change of, and law of ancestral inheritance, IIIA 48, 49; of races, comparison of, IIIA 325, 326 Umbrella, lost and `stolen,' IIIB 476 Unemployed, parentage of the, IIIA 327 Unicorns, reports of, in Africa, 1237 Unit Characters, and heredity, II 182-186, 189, 190 Universe, the, Galton on, 11 262; a correlated system of variates, IIIA 2 Universities, anthropometric laboratories in, 11 337 University College, experiments at, 11162, 167 . University Honours, Galton's early desire for, 169 University of London, Galton's offer to, IIIA 222-225, 258, IIIB 530; chair of Eugenics in, IIIA 224; Eugenics Record Office and, IIIA 223, 224, 303; Galton Laboratory and, IIIA 304-307, 386, 387, 393, 428, 429, 432; attempted foundation of a real, IIIA 289-291 Urban Population, fertility of, etc., 11 123-126 UXXIII; Galton visits and sketches 28-30, I~ 0430 Plate 05 Utopia, in dreamland of philanthropists, IIIA 220; of Galton, II 119-122, ' Kantsaywhere,' IIIA 234, 411, IIIB 606-608, Galton's and others', IIIA 411 'Vacation Tourists,' II 6, 7, 11 Vaccination, and smallpox (paper by Galton), IIIB 482 Variability, regression, and correlation, IIIA 3-11; in offspring of a given parentage, IIIA 11; fraternal and co-fraternal, IIIA 19, 77, 78, 221; within the family, IIIA 26, 47; influence of selection on, IIIA 27, 93; of mid-ancestor, IIIA 29; interracial and intraracial, IIIA 95; Brewster's measure of, IIIA 95. See also Variation Variation, necessity of, II 174; and selection, II 171; in human faculties, 11 274; and hybridisation, 11 84; heredity of, and man, 11 86; measurement of, 11384, 385, IIIA 51, 54; individual and specific, IIIA 95; continuous, and evolution, IIIA 126; universality of, IIIA 314 Variations, and sports, IIIA 79-86, 170; on observations regarding, MA 135 Varieties, Romanes and Galton on origin of, II 272, 273; mode of formation of new, IIIA 94 Vathek, legend regarding, IIIB 573 Veins, bifurcations and mterlacements of, and identification, 11 306 Venable8, Galton joins reading party under, 1168 Venn, Dr J., and head size of students at Cambridge, 11387, 388; his 'Logic of Chance,' IIIB 477, 478 Veracity, in family histories, II 368, 369; in men of science, IIIB 478, 479 Vernon-Harcourt, on Committee of Brit. Assoc., IIIB 458 Versailles, peace terms at, and rights of small nations, 11 264 Verses, of Galton, 190, 175-178, 183, 184; of Tertius Galton on his sister Sophia, IIIB 450; of Waller on Elizabeth Savile, 120; on 'The Chateau in the Heart of the Ardennes,' IIIB 459, 460. See also Poem Vesuvius, Galton sees, IIIB 474, 475 Victoria, Queen, Galton and his brother Darwin at coronation of, 191 Victoria Nyanza, discovery of lakes of, 11 25, 26