OCR Rendition - approximate
Index 669 Spoglio, at Trieste quarantine station, 1840, Galton `makes Spoglio,' 1139 Sports, transmission of, IIIA 31; in evolution, IIIA 61, 62, 81, 87; and variation, IIIA 79, 80, 170; breeding from, IIIA 81-82; source of, in `positions of stability,' IIIA 85; place in evolution according to Galton, IIIA 94, 99,126, 170, 370; prepotency of, IIIA 98-100;. part in Natural Selection, IIIA 170; in the humanrace, IIIA 120, 121; are they essential to progress? IIIA 221. See also Mutations Spottiswoode, W., and Galton, 1 111, 36; size of head and stature, 11 150; large head of, IIIA 248; at exhibition of scientific apparatus, 11 215; letter to, when Pres. Roy. Soc. from Galton on reform of meetings, IIIB 468; Galton's obituary notice of, 11 245 Spring Fret, in Galton, 1197 . Squeeze of Hand, maximum value of, 11374; percentile values of, 11 376; values at each rank, 11 390; correlation, with vital capacity, II 377; ' Punch,' and the `squeeze of 86' in a lady, II 375 Stability, or chronic variation in psychic characters, suggestion that mean and personal variation are correlated, 11 103; of anthropometric constants, II 380; organic, IIIA 61, 85-87; in a breed after selection, IIIA 93; social, see Social Stability Stability of Types, Galton's view, IIIA 240 Stablemen, inferences from hats of, MA 249 Standard Deviation, and quartiles, 11339, 111147; and normal curve, M A 8. See also Variability Stanley, H. M., Galton's opinion of, 11 25, 27, 51; on Congo travels, 1130; methods of exploration, 1130, 31 Stanley , Lady, Galton stays with, MB 510 Star Signals, i.e. to distant planets, II 279, 280 Starvation, Galton's experience of, 1224 Statesmanship and Eugenics, MA 348 Statesmen, neglect the future, IIIA 242; errors of ageing, IIIA 365; and Eugenics, IIIA 311, 312; fertility of, II 94; grading of, 11 93 Statistical, fallacies, in oceanic meteorological observations, II 54;, inquiries of national importance, 11156, 416-420; laboratories, schools as, 1 1344--345; instincts of Galton, II 149-150; results, interference by theocratic power with, II 258-259; material, difficulties in obtaining, 11 276, 357, 358, 368, collection of, from schools, 11336, 337, 343-346, 370, by schedules, 11 348-356, trustworthiness of, II 361, 368; methods of Galton, II 150, 268, and psychology, II 212, 236-238, and duty of Galton Research Fellow, IIIA 222, of Meteorological Office, 1153, first applied to, heredity, 11 89, 92, 93, applied to grading of intelligence, II 89, 90, illustration of use of, by Galton, TI 343-344, views of A. R. Wallace on, IIIA 133, views of Darwin on, IIIA 246, deficiency of de Candolle in, II 146; 147; operations, a textbook on, IIIA 248; ratios, stability of, and theocratic interference, II 259; scale and the grading of the individual, II 337; Statistical Society of London and Galton, 11 1123 Statisticians, mechanical aptitude of, II 151; waste of effort by, 11 420 Statistics, and Samuel Galton, 148; and Samuel Tertius Galton, 152, 57; and Erasmus Darwin, the younger, 157; application of, to hereditary problems, TI IA 1137, to anthropology, II 334-348, IIIA 57; and the Darwinian hypothesis, IIIA 126; Galton's enthusiasm for, IIIA 63; proposed Professorship of Applied, 11 414-416, 424, Florence Nightingale on function of, 11 414-415; Galton and, 1170,129, IIIB 458; sources of Galton's interest in, 11201; bearing on inheritance of ability, II 77; on twins, II 128-129; Ansell's, of families, II 128; and inheritance of stature, II 210; psychometric, 11236, 237; of population, 11265, 266; necessity of, for testing and correcting impressions and opinions, 11296, 297; and Eugenics, IIIA_ 221, 222; modern and old schools of, 11 348; origin of mathematical theory of, 11357 Statoblasts, a paper on heredity of, IIIA 245 Stature, of female reduced to male equivalent, IIIA 15; statistics of, MA 54; in husband and wife, II 149; of scientists, 11 150; of boys at various ages used by Galton to illustrate his statistical methods, II 343; means of racial, from small samples, II 179; French, effect of conscription on, II 191; and its inheritance .(de Candolle), II 210; effect of diet on, II 210; maximum values of, II 374; percentile values of, 11376; values for each rank, 11 390; correlation with vital capacity, and the isograms, 11 391; inheritance of, MA 11-34 (and regression); Forecaster of, IIIA 13, 15, 17, and Fig. 5, IIIA 16; assortative mating in, IIIA 17; advantages of, as subject of study, IIIA 18, 19; prediction of, IIIA 31; correlation with cubit, IIIA 61;. correlation table for cubit with, IIIA 52; progression in, by continuous selection, IIIA 93; genometer based on Pearson's data for stature, IIIA 30 Plate I Steadfastness of Purpose, in Galton and his Quaker ancestry, 159 Steadiness of Hand, in men and women, 11 376 Stellar Characters, controversy regarding their corre lation, IIIA 326 Stelvio Pass, geographical model of, 11 33, 34 Plate IV Sterilisation of the Unfit, IIIA 218 Sterility, and genius, II 341; in experiments with transfusion of blood, II 161; voluntary, in France, 11 142 Stewart, Augusta R., second wife of Flerman Galton, IIIB 511 Stewart, Balfour, and Galton, II 48, 49; and `The Reader' and 'Nature,' 11 68, 69 Stewart, C. P., Galton's Cambridge friend, 1153; passes `Little Go,' I 164; at last meeting of Caseo-Tostic Club, 1181 Plate LIV Stewart, Dugald, on generic image of man, 11 298 Stimulation, external and internal causes of, 11 308 Stirp, and race, iI 171; definition of, II 185-186; extinction of, 11 343; and pure lines, 11 171 Stirpiculture, or Eugenics, IIIA 259 Stochis, on finger-prints in different races, IIIA 140, 194 Stokes, Prof. Sir G. G., religious bias of, 11 152; on Roy. Soc. Committee on Colour-blindness, 11 227; pains taking editorial labours of, IIIA 331; Galton's letters to, IIIB 466-468, 471-473; handwriting of, IIIB 522; remarkable head of, IIIA 248 Stokes, Mr, Galton's interest in, IIIB 576 Stokes, -, undergraduate at Trinity, 1842, overworks and loses his scholarship, 1171 Stout, Sir Robert, advocates Eugenics in New Zealand, IIIB 612 Strachey, Miss Philippa, IIIB 541 Strachey, Sir Richard, and Galton, II 44; and Kew Observatory, scores off the Roy. Soc., 11 60; and maps, IIIB 462 Strahan, Major-General, on use of finger-prints in India, IIIA 153 Strasburger, E., Linnean Society medallist, MA 340; death of, IIIA 342 Strawberries, Linnxus' cure for gout, MA 124 Strenuousness, national value of, IIIA 401-402 Strickland, C. W., joins Galton on reading party, 1155, 159 Strikers, in Italy, IIIB 540 Strutt, marriage in Galton family, 153