OCR Rendition - approximate
660 :Index `Natural Inheritance,' Work' by Galton, I 2, 5,' II 84, 87 87, mA.57-82; Weismann's appreciation of, IIIA 340, Natural Selection, Galton introduces idea of, into his work, MA 9; quincunx, to illustrate action of, IIIA-10; Galton on, IIIA 122; Sir E. Fry on, IIIA 122, 123; action of, IIIA 81, 82; survival and, 11 74; and man, II '74, 75, 79, 82, 83, 86; and evolution, 11 79, 171 and civilisation, 11 83; and original sin, 11 85; Eugenics and, IIIA 355; popular lecture on, IIIA 247 Nature, carelessness of, 11 109; requirements of, 11 119; and the improvement of man, IIIA .218-220; and man, MA 318 `Nature,' origin of, II '67,- 69; letters of Galton and Darwin in, on pangenesis experiments, II 162-165. For'Galton's many letters and papers in, see under Memoirs Nature and Nurture, I 7, 8, 60, II 81, 118, 254-258, 358, 397, III 260, 374, 384, 390, 392, 400; and measure of heredity in twins, 11126-130; of scientific men,-1I 177-179; -de Candolle on, MB .483 Navigation, 1155-58 Navy,' characteristics of boys' in, 11 120 Naworth Park, the birthplace of the coefficient of correlation, 11393, IIIA 5, 50 Nebula, shedding a satellite, MB 464 Negro, The, Galton on, II 28; characteristics of, II 31-33,81'1 106, 107; and Africa, 1132, 33, 264,,265; profiles of, II 324 finger-prints of, MA 193; ' in America, 111A 219, 252; in Africa, MA 252 Neolithic Man, and domestication, -II 72 Neo-Malthusianism, 11111, 132-134, IIIA 243, 302, 304. See also Malthus and Limitation of Families Nephews and grandsons, relative nearness in kinship of, IIIA 33 Nero, composite portrait of, II 295, II 296 Plate XLI; the Beast of the Apocalypse, IIIB 572 Nervous Disorders, in parents of the sane and insane, IIIA 277 Nettleship, E.,'meets Galton, MA 327, 330, 393; albino dogs of, MA 356, 357, 393 Neurath, Dra Otto and Anna, translate `Hereditary Genius,' MB 607 . Newcastle, lecture at, IIIA 394 Newnham Grange (Sir George Darwin's home), Darwin portraits at, .I 243 New Year's Greeting, to Galton, IIIA 248 New Zealand, Eugenics in, IIIB 612 Ngami, Lake, and Galton's , projects in Africa, I 214, 215,219 Nietzsche, and Galton, II 109, 119 Nightingale, Florence, and the Crimean War, 11 13; and statistical inquiry, 11 156, 250; on treatment of the wounded, II 416; 'The passionate statistician,' 11414-424; correspondence of, with Galton, 11416424; on Quetelet, 11414, 418 Nile, The, Galton's impressions of, 1200-203 - Nobility, ability of the, 11 93 Noel, Captain, Galton and his sister stay with, I 179, 180; collection of casts from living heads, 1180 Normal Curve, Galton's use of, 11 89, 90, MA 5, 7-10, 30, 31; and Galton's ogive, II 338, etc.; and the binomial, II 338, etc.; intelligence and the, II 104; physical measurements and the, '11 384, 386; fingerprints and the, IIIA 167, 168 Normal Surface, IIIA 63 Norris, Major, and `Daddy Tin Whisker,' IIIB 603 Northampton, Marquess of, Galton meets, in Egypt, IIIB 516-518; invalid wife of, IIIB 517 Northbrook, Lord, characteristics of, MA 113 Norths, The, and Galton, 11 11, 53, 70, 88 Norway, Galton plans a tour in, 1122; 123, and gives it up, 1124, 125;_ Eugenics in, 11267 Noteworthier, proportion of, in population, IIIA 110, 118, 120; percentage, amongst kinsmen of Fellows of Roy. Soc., MA 119 Noteworthiness, Galton's measure of, MA 108, 114, 115, 118, 119, 121; of kinsmen of :Fellows of Roy. Soc., IIIA 108-121; register of, MA 112; ability and, MA 116 'Noteworthy Families,' work by Galton and Schuster, IIIA 113-121; publication of, MB 548, 550, 564, 567, 568 Novel, Galton's. See 'Kantsaywhere' Number, associated with colour, 11214, 253 Number-Forms,-Galton on, II 205, 206, 240, 243, 253, IIIB 486; types and associations of, 11 241; Galton's collection of, II 241, 242; examples of, II 252 Plate XXIV;, heredity and, H 242; frequency of, 11242; in the sexes, 11242; of de Candolle,11207, 208 Nurture, of Galton, I 11, 12; weeds and, MA 220; problems regarding State aid and, IIIA 253, 254; limited; power of, II 118, 127, 128; dependence of abstract ideas on, II 255; early sentiments and, 11256, 257; conscience and, II 257; domestication and, II 258 and nature, see Nature and Nurture Oakley, his portrait of_Tertius Galton,; MB 570, 152 Plate XXXIII his portrait of Francis Galton I ,93 Plate XLVIII Obituary Notices,' written by Galton, 11396 O'Brien, tutor to Galton at Cambridge, 1143-146, 149, 153 Observation, in Calton's educational scheme, 11 155 Occupation, effect of, 'on finger-prints, MA 155; of parents and health of children, MA 356 Ocean,: meteorological statistics of, II 53, 54, 58; determination of currents in, IIIB 579 Octogenarians, inquiries concerning, 11349, 350 Odell, Maud Gardiner, takes finger-prints of her child, sends to biographer copies of Galton's letters to her, IIIB 496-499 Ogive, exponential curve of Galton, II 191, 239, 335, 338-340, 492-404, IRA 62, 167, 168, 422, IIIB 463, IIIA 31 Plate II Ogle, Dr, case of crooked finger in twins, 11 181; on medical life-histories,-11359 Oldenshaw, Mrs, to -have medallion of Erasmus Darwin, IIIB 473 Omabonde Lake, Galton reaches, 1231, 233, 235 Omutchikota Lake. See Otchikoto Lake Opinion, necessity to test, 11 296 Optical Continuity and just perceptible difference, II 308, 309, IIIA Extra Plate facing Table of Contents Orators, mentally reading manuscript, II 252; gifts of, 11256 Ord, Dr W. M., on medical life-histories, II 359 Organisation, spirit of, in the Galton blood, 1124 Oriental Subjects, and political power, MA 279 `Origin of Species,' and Galton, 1207, 208, 11 4, 5, 70, 82, 201, 206; letter of Galton to Darwin on, 11 200 Plate XVIII Ortler Spitze, geographical model of, II 34, II 33 Plate IV Osborn, H. F., on palaeontological evidence for evolu tion, IIIA 82 Osborn, Admiral S., large head of, IIIA 249 Osler, Prof., assistance of, MA 343 Ostwald, erroneous statement as to priority of de Candolle and Galton, 1 1145 Oswell, W. E., Galton on, II 35; travels of, in Africa, 1214,215