OCR Rendition - approximate
658 Index (178) 'An Examination into the Registered Speeds of -American Trotting Horses, with Remarks on their Value as Hereditary Data' (1898), 11400 (179) 'A Diagram of Heredity (illustrating the Ancestral Law)' (1898), IIIA 44-45 (180). 'The Distribution' of Prepotency' (in Trotting Horses) (1898), IIIA 98 (181) 'The Median Estimate' (1899), 11401 (182) 'A Geometric. Determination of the Median Value of a-System of Normal Variants, from Two of its Centiles' (1899), 11 402 (183) 'Linnaeus' Strawberry Cure for Gout' (1899), IIIA 124 ' (184) 'William Cotton Oswell, Hunter and Explorer' (1900), Preface to, by Galton, 11 35 (185) 'Analytical Photography' (1900),11311-316 (186) 'Identification Offices in India and Egypt' (1900), MA 157 (187) 'Souvenirs d'Egypte' (1900), IIIA 158, IIIB 455 (188) 'Biometry' (1901), IIIA 100 (189) 'On the Probability that the Son of a very highly gifted Father will be no less gifted' (1901), IIIA 102 .(190), `The possible Improvement of the Human Breed under the existing Conditions of Law and Sentiment' (1901), IIIA 226 (191) 'The most suitable Proportion between the Values of First and Second Prizes' (1902), 11 411 (192) 'Finger-Print Evidence' (1902), MA 160 (193) `Pedigrees' (1903), IIIA 103 (194) 'Sir Edward Fry and Natural Selection' (1903), IIIA 122 (195) 'Our National Physique-Prospects of the British. Race-Are we Degenerating?' (1903), MA 252 (196) 'Nomenclature and Tables of Kinship'. (1904), lIIA 105 (197) 'Average Number of Kinsfolk in each Degree' (1904), IIIA 107 (198) 'Distribution of Successes and of Natural Ability among the Kinsfolk of Fellows of the Royal Society' (1904), IIIA 108 (199) 'Number of Strokes of the Brush in a Picture' (1905), IIIA 125 (200) 'On Dr Faulds' "Guide to FingerPrint Identi fication"' (1905), IIIA 147-148 (201) 'Eugenics, its Definition, Scope and Aims' (1905), IIIA 262 (202) 'A Eugenic Investigation, Index to Achieve ments of Near Kinsfolk of some of the Fellows of the Royal Society' (1905), IIIA 266 (203) 'Restrictions in Marriage' (1905), IIIA 266 (204) 'Eugenics as a Factor in Religion' (1905), IIIA 273 (205) 'Studies in National Eugenics' (1905), IIIA 274 (206) 'Cutting a Round Cake on Scientific Principles' (1906), 111A 124 (207) 'Measurement of Resemblance' (1906), II 329 333; reference to, IIIA 279 (208) 'The Measurement of Visual Resemblance' (1906),11331 (209) 'Anhhropometry at Schools' (1906), 11 345 (210) 'Classification of Portraits' (1907), 11 325 (211) 'One Vote, one Value' (1907), 11400 (212) 'Grades and Deviates' (1907), 11 401 (213) 'Vox populi' (1907), 11 403 (214) 'Probability-the Foundation of Eugenics' (1907), IIIA 317-321; quoted, 11415, IIIA 309 (215) 'Suggestion for improving the Literary Style of Scientific Memoirs' (1908), IIIA 336 (216) 'Address on Eugenics' (1908), IIIA 346 (217) `Local Associations. #or promoting Eugenics' (1908), IIIA 350 (218) `Sequestrated Church Property' (1909), 11410, IIIA 367 (219) 'Segregation (of the Feeble-Minded)' (1909), IIIA 365 (220) 'Numeralised Profiles for Classification and Recognition' (1910), 11 326 (221) 'Eugenic Qualities of Primary Importance' (1910), IIIA 401 (222) 'Note on the Effects of small and persistent Influences' (1910), IIIA 403 (223) 'The Eugenic College of Kantsaywhere' (1910), IIIA 411 Memories, blended, and general impressions, H 296 'Memories,' Galton's, MA 330, 333, 335, 339, 342, 343, 345, 346, 354, 355, IIIB 585-588, 613 Memory, inheritance of, II 151; physiological basis of, II 296; of form and number, tests for, II 359; of form in men and women, 11 376; a deceitful guide, 11367;. will and, 11241 Men, inequalities of, I 61, II 89-92, 121, 122, 135, 137, IIIA-252; and women, sensitivity of, 11221, 222 Mendel, G., and Galton, born in same year, IIIA 335; Galton's appreciation of, IIIB 542 Mendeleef, Prof.; honour conferred on, 111B 4.94 Mendelians, and eye colour, . IIIA 36, 37, 324; and albinism, IIIA 388; on Galton's Ancestral Law, IIIA 41 Mendelian, and Law of Ancestral Inheritance, II 84, 1IIA 329 Galton's approach to, 11 190; some modifications in, IIIA 81; biometry and, IIIA 287,-288, 357, 358; bearded wheat and, IIIA 314; and white man and albino negress giving -mulattoes, lIIA 370 Mental, character-of Francis-Galton, 156-60, II 1, 4, 10, 233-236, 308, 317, 355 (see also Galton, Francis, mentality of); inheritance of, II 72, 75-77, 81, 82, 86-89, 126, 128, 135, 146, 174; and physiognomic character, II 231-233; and anthropometric characters, 11 229, 232, 233; resemblance of, in twins, 11 127; correlation of, with temperament, etc., 11229; source of, II 72, 73; of different races, II 31, 88,• of criminals, 11 230; measurement and classification of, 1 11229 Mental Capacity, tests for, II 272; of school children, and physique, IIIA 356 Mental Defect, in the general population, IIIA 365-367; plans for work on, IIIB 541, 542, 544 Mental Discomforts, weariness in Galton, 156,fatigue, signs and warning of, IIIB 478; overwork, circular concerning, II 351, 352; and idiosyncrasy, 11'279 Mental Imagery, -in Dr Erasmus Darwin, II 196; in Charles Darwin, 1T 207; Galton and, 11236, 238; in scientists, 11237, 243; in different races, 11239, 240; in artists, etc., 11 243; in women, 11 242; accounts of, II 240; desirable power of, 11 241; and ability, 11 243 Mental Impressions, source of error in, 11296, 297 Mental Proces8e8, and imaginary smells, 11275, 276 Mental Types, distinguished by portraiture, 11301, 303 Menzie8, Mrs, Galton sees, in Cape Town, 1219 Menzies, Sir N. and Lady, hospitality of, 1168, 169 Mercier, C., on Eugenics, IIIA 259 - Meredith, George, and London University, IIIA 289 Merrifield, C. W., and Galton's wave-machine, 11 52, 53 Merrifield, F., cooperates with Galton in breeding ex
Mesmerism, Galton's experiments in, 11 197 Melton, A. J., graphical representation of Galton's ancestral law by, IIIA 44 Metaphysicians, mental imagery in, 11 243