OCR Rendition - approximate
648 Index Germinal Selection, and Evolution, II 171; and development, II 185, 186 Germs, latent and developed, II 182, 186 Gestation, observations regarding, IIIA 135 Gibbs, W. F., Galton takes rooms with, I 196 Giessen, Galton's vacation in, 1128-132 Gift, devoted servant to Francis Galton, IIIB 449, 503, 508, 519, 582, 583, 587, 595, 597, 618; tablet at Rutland Gate and, IIIA 311; portraits of, II 11 Plate III, IIIA 390 Plate XXXVIII Gilbey, Mr, collects pedigrees of deaf-mutes, IIIA 380 Gilson, Mrs, at Khartoum, IIIB 548 Giraffe, shot by Galton, 1223 Girgenti Cathedral, acoustic properties of, IIIB 563 Gissing, G., noteworthy book of, IIIA 312 Gladstone, W. E., large head of, II 379, IIIA 248; not as other men, IIIB 568; lack of humour of, IIIB 607, 608; at Galton's South Kensington laboratory, II 379; H. Montagu Butler and, IIIB 476 Glaisher, and Galton's exponential ogive, 11 191 Glanvill, J., and use of word `aberrance,' IIIA 99 Godliness, and material well-being, 11100, 101 Godman, F. D., on Committee for Measurement of Plants and Animals, IIIA 127, 291 Goethe, as example of sane exercise of senses? II 99; pictures seen with closed eyes by, 11 244 Gold, in the world, II 21 `Golden Book,' proposals regarding, IIIA 264, 265 Goldie, G., to send finger-prints of Africans, IIIB 485 Goring, C., criminal investigations of, II 232, IIIA 377 Gorst, Sir J., Galton meets, IIIA 266; his 'Children of the. Nation,' IIIA 310 Gotto, Mrs, and Eugenics Education Society, IIIA 342, 350, 371, 372, 379, 380, 427, 428; visits Galton, IIIA 370 Goulds, marriages of, with the Freames, 132 Gout, THE 590; and asthma, I 185; strawberries and, IIIA 124 Governments, democratic, and the elimination of `weeds,' IIIA 349 Grade, of individual, and the statistical scale, II 337. See also Percentiles and Ogive Curve Graduates, Cambridge, measurements on, IIIA 247 Graef, portrait of Galton by, IIIA 125, 126 Grahame, Dr, on cousin marriages, IIIB 470 `Grammar of Science,' by Karl Pearson, received by Galton, IIIA 240, 241 Grandsons, and nephews, nearness in kinship of, IIIA 33 Grant, and Galton, II 25; and African exploration, 1130,36 Grassi, a Darwin medallist, IIIA 237 Graunt, Capt. John, on Bills of Mortality, II 123 Gray, anthropometry of, II 380 Great Barr, home of Samuel Galton the younger, 149; sketch of, 149 Plate XXXI Greek Girl, of `Just Perceptible Difference' lecture, II 309, IIIA ix (reproduction facing) Greek Queens, composite portrait of, II 295, 296 Plate XLII Greeks, ability and culture of, II 107-109 Greg, `Enigmas of Life' of, II 176 Grew, N., work of, on finger-prints, IIIA 141, 142, 176, 177 Grey, Mrs, seen by Galton in Italy, IIIB 474 Griffl n, N. W., his 'Optics', and an epitaph, I 189 Gri, th, G., Sec. of Brit. Assoc., IIIB 458 Gri tha, A., and identification of criminals, IIIA 148 Grosvenor, Lady Constance, eugenic proposal of, IIIA 377 `Groundwork of Eugenics,' Lecture of K. Pearson, IIIA 380 Grove, Sir W., Galton's visits to, II 130, 161, 180, IIIB 465; appreciation of, IIIB 531; size of head and stature of, H 150, IIIA 248; death of, II 280 Grove, and Galton's `Efficacy of Prayer,' 11 131 Growth, statistics of, in plants, II 191, 192; laws of, 11 380; bioscopic representation of, IIIB 576; curves of, for vital capacity, 11 377 Grundy, Mrs, power of, IIIA 342 Gruppe, his definition of `religion,' IIIA 89, 90, 93 Guido, Reni, his picture of `Aurora and the Hours,' IIIA 422 Plate XXXIX Gull, on medical life histories, II 359 Gumption-reviver, machine used by Galton at Cam bridge, 1144 Gun Trade, of Farmers and Galtons, I 32, 45, 49,50 Gurney, Emily, death of, II 280 Gurney, Hudson, on the future fate of the Barclays, 130, 33, 34; relationship of, to Elizabeth Fry, I 64; Thomas Young and, I 48; portrait of, I 91 Plate XLVII Gurneys, Russell, and Galton, 11 11, 88, 161 Haddon, A. C., and anthropometry, II 379, 380; on social evolution and marriage customs among primitive peoples, IIIA 267, 268; to procure fingerprints of native races, IIIB 485; letter of, to Galton, as to Huxley Lecture of Roy. Anthrop. Inst., IIIA 235, 236 Hadleys, genealogy of the, IIIB 462; sketch portrait of Mr Hadley, surgeon, 118 Plate X Hadzor, Galton's visits to, II 11, 70; letters preserved at, IIIB 607; sketch of; 148 Plate XXIX Haeckel, E., medallist of Linnean Soc., IIIA 340; hon, member of German Eugenic Soc., IIIA 388; death of, IIIA 342 Hahn, disastrous expedition of, 1240 Hair, on male face, IIIA 321; colour of, IT 223-226; in husband and wife, II 149; and liability to disease, 11354, 371; and fertility, IT 354; darkening of, in the English, II 353, 354; in the British, 11 371; analysis of pigments in, IIIA 97, 98; investigation into, IIIB 474; of Galton in childhood, gold brown, I 71, cf. IHB 456 Plate XLVII; Sorby's paintings of trees from pigments in, IIIA 97 Plates III, IV Haldane, Lord, army achievements of, IIIB 603 Hallam, Henry, at Cambridge, I 140, 141; sees Galton in Dresden, I 179, 180; Galton's friendship with, I 190, 191; letters of, to Galton-refusing invitation to travel, 1198, 199; after Galton's travels in Egypt and Syria, I 205-207; characteristics of, IIIA 354; death of. 1238, IIIA 354; Bristed's obituary notice of, 1171 Hallam, Julia, sketch of, 1 180 Plate LIII Hallams, the graves of, Galton's hour of grief alongside, IIIA 354 Halsbury, Lord, on supposed deterioration of the British race, IIIA 364 Hamilton, Dr, on louping-ill, IIIB 566 Hamilton, Dr Lillias, IIIB 541, 542 Hamilton, Sir W., on generic image of man, 11 298 Hampstead, Galton considers moving his home to, IIIA 310, 311, 316, 317 Handwriting, and identification, 11 306 Happiness, of segregated feeble-minded? IIIA 366, 367, 373,374 Harcourt, Sir W., elected to a Trinity College, Cambridge, Hon. Fellowship, IIIA 236, 238 Hardy, Thomas, and London University, IIIA 289 Harmsworth's 'The World's Great Books,' Galton's work included in, IIIB 601