OCR Rendition - approximate
S4 Index Free-will, Galton's introspective inquiry concerning, 11 245-248 French, Mrs, Galton at school of, 167 French, the, visualising faculty of, II 239; colour associations and number forms of, 11 240 Frequency Distributions, of sociological phenomena, II 227, 228; in nature, II 338-340; first U-shaped, IIIA 74 Frequency Surface, asymmetrical, Galton's introduction to, 11 344 Frere, Lady, death of, IIIB 511 Frere, Temple, Galton meets at Malta, 1199 Friends' Meeting House, Birmingham, where Galtons were buried, 150 Plate XXXII Fritton, Mr and Mrs, Galton's neighbours, IIIB 585 ' Frost and Fire,' J. F. Campbell's, 11 53 Fruit Farming, IIIB 543 Fry, Sir E., pedigree of, IIIA 343, 345; .on the feebleminded, IIIA 365, 371, 373; on the age of the inhabited world, IIIA .122; controversy with Galton, IIIA 122-123; honour conferred on, IIIB 494 Fry, Elizabeth, ancestry of, I 33; relationship of, to Hudson Gurney, I 64; and the infant, Francis Galton, I 65; visit of, to Samuel Galton, I 64, 65; portrait of, 191 Plate XLVII Funerals, Galton on ceremonies in the Abbey at, 11 198 Furrows, on hands and feet, and identification, 11 306 Purse, C., his portrait of Galton, IIIA 125, 379, IIIB 531, 551; death of, IIIB 531 Galton, origin and ancestry of family, 131, 34, 35, 39, 40, etc.; banking enterprise of, 132, 50, 51; gun factory of, 132, 45, 49; slaves of, 132, 40 Galton, Adele (aunt to Francis Galton). See Booth, Mrs Galton,Adsle(sistertoFrancis Galton). SeeBunbury, Mrs Galton, Agnes (sister to Francis Galton), 163 Gallon, Arthur, IIIB 566; delivers Galton's 'Herbert Spencer' lecture, IIIA 316, IIIB 583 Gallon, Cameron, spends Christmas with Galton, IIIB 589 Calton, Lucy Cameron, visits Galton, IIIB 575, 576, 589, 600 Galton, Father Charles, Galton hears him preach, IIIB 544 Galton, Darwin (brother to Francis Galton), 163; early bequest to, from Galton, 169; farms at Claverdon, 1125; desires to enter the army, IIIB 450; marriage of, 1218, IIIB 454; portrait of, I 76, Plate XLVI; letters to, from Galton, early, I 76, 77, from Africa, 1219-221, 231, 232; death of, IIIB 521 Gallon, Diana (daughter of Hubert Galton), death of, 1123 Galton, Sir Douglas (cousin of Francis Galton), ability and fame of, 153; advises Galton, 1214-215; letter to, from Florence Nightingale, II 416; illness and death of, IIIB 506, 509 Galton, Edward Wheler, nephew to Francis Galton, IIIA 281, 433, IIIB 449, 571, 617, etc.; work of, IIIB 563-566, 580; at Claverdon, IIIB 528, 545, 570; Galton's appreciation of, IIIB 531; letters to, from Galton, IIIB 558-560, 563-567, 579-581; assistance from, to- biographer, I viii, II vii Galton, Emma (sister to Francis Galton), earlybequest to, from Galton, I 69; attends a meeting of the British Association, 190; visits Galton at Cambridge, 1162; travels of, 1193; in Dresden with Galton, 1178, 179; visits the Gurneys, 1191; `Guide to the Unprotected' of, 1162; letters of-to Galton, 162, IIIB 524; to her sisters, IIIB 451; letters to-from Galton, 195, 106, 151; on death of Charles Darwin, II 198, 199; on award of the Darwin Medal, IIIA 237; on election to a Trinity College Fellowship, IIIA 238, IIIB 473, 476, 481, 494, 495, 502, 503, 506-513, 515-519, 527; facsimile of Galton's letter to, IIIB 494Plate LI; aged 91, IIIA 238; death of, IIIB 447, 527-530; tombstone of, IIIB 533-535; portraits of, I 213 Plate LV his, II 198 Plate XVII, IIIB 531 Plate LV; silhouettes of, I 52 Plate XXXIV, I 96 Plate L; sketches of, by Galton, I 180 Plate LM. See also 1170,88,-130,175 Galton, Erasmus (brother of Francis Galton), 163; early bequest to, from Galton, 169; farms at Loxton, 1125, IIIB 528, 543 aged- 87, IIIA 238; breaks his leg, IIIB 591-593; characteristics-of, IIIB 594, 609; death of, IIIA 374, IIIB 594; letters of, to Galton, IIIB 543, 575, 579; silhouettes of, 152 Plate XXXIV, 1 69 Plate XLII Galton, Francis, ancestry of, I 5-61; childhood and boyhood of, 162-91; medical studies and flight to Constantinople, 192-139; mathematical studies and Cambridge pleasures, I 140-195; 'Fallow Years,' 1196-210; scientific exploration, 1211-242; transition studies, art of travel, geography, climate, II 1-69; early anthropological researches, lI 70-130; early study of heredity, II 131-210; psychological investigation, II 211-282; photographic- researches, 11 283-333; statistical investigation, anthropometry, II 334-425; correlation and the application of statistics to problems of. heredity, IIIA- 1-137; personal identification, finger-prints, IIIA 138-216;Eugenics as a creed, and last decadeof Galton's life, IIIA 217-436; characterisation, by letters, IIIB 441619; `Wanderlust' and travel of, 124, 55, 58, 92-97, 199-205, 11 1, 6, 7, 11, 14, 21-25, IIIA 279, IIIB 507512,515-519,566-568; mechanical ingenuity of, 160, 83, II 3, 18-21,-35, 44 53, 59-61, 219-221, 226, IIIA 177, 279, etc.; mentality of, 156-59, 11 1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 19, 27, 75, 88,'98, 106, 134, 153, 157, 165, 308, 317, IIIA 50, etc.; generosity of, II 60, 85, IIIA 244, 245, 250, 257, 258, 284, IIIB 588; humour of, 1 59, 60, 11 5, 310, etc.; eugenic ideals of, IIIA 87-93, etc.; religious views and philosophic outlook of, II 102, 117, 119, 261-263, IIIA 271, 272; correspondence of, with his father, 192, 94, 97-111, 113-115, 118, 122137, 142-181, 184-190; with Charles Darwin, I 6, 240-241, II 156-197; with Karl Pearson, IIIA 224, 225, 240-251, 254-258, 261, 266, 277-291, 297-317, 322-336, 339, 342-346, 349, 350, 355-361, 368-400, 408, 409, 425-432, IIIB 501, 502, 504-506, 513-515; with de Candolle, 11 131-149, 204-210, IIIB 474,476483; with Mrs Lethbridge ('Milly'), IIIA 412, IIIB 471, 472, 520-522, 528-536, 540-617; early letters of, I 65, 66, 71-80, 82, 86, 88, IIIB 449-452. (For other letters or correspondence see names of individuals.) Married life of, 1241, 242, II 281; as to honours conferred on-Huxley Medal, IIIA 226, 235; Darwin Medal, IIIA 236-238, 249, 250; Medal of Linnean Society, IIIA 340, 341; Royal Society Medal, II 201, IIIB 476; Copley Medal, IIIA 400, 431, 432, IIIB 611, 614, 615; Medal of Royal Geographical Soc., I 239; Medal of -the French Geographical Soc., I 239; knighthood conferred on, IIIA 386, IIIB 597; Hon. D.C.L. at Oxford conferred, IIIB 493, 494; Hon. D.Sc. at Cambridge conferred, IIIB 494, 495; Hon. Fellowship of Trinity College, Cambridge, IIIA 236-238, IIIB 521; see also IIIA 388, IIIB 509, 551, 552, 599; health of, 1 103, 145, 146, 166, 167, 170, 173, 238, II 280, IIIA 249, IIIB 454, etc.; death of, IIIA 433, 434, IIIB 617, 618; wills of, IIIA 224, 225, 299-303, 382-384, 437-438. See also under Books of F.' G., Character of F. G., Memoirs, Papers and Letters to Journals of F. G., Portraits of F. G., Eugenics, Finger-prints,CompositePhotographs,etc.