OCR Rendition - approximate
Index 637 British Association, and Galton, 11 13, 18, 20, 22, 27-30, 34, 35, 49, 51, 53-55, 59, 61, 70, 77, 233, 334, 347, 362, 386, 388; Galton's first attendance at, I 104; Tertius Galton attends meeting of, 190; Galton's papers and addresses at, 11228, 238, 288, IIIA 11, 57, IIIB 461; Galton asked to accept office of Gen. Sec., IIIB 458; Galton asked to stand as President, IIIA 275, 276, 111E 488, 543; attack on Biometry at meeting of, IIIA 297; Cambridge meeting of, IIIB 528; meeting of, in Africa, IIIB 548; Lister's address at, IIIB 579; maps for the, MB 462; collection of records of pedigree stock and, II 321; marks for physical efficiency and, II 394; experimental zoology and, IIIA 129; finger-prints and, IIIA 140, 148; on4Section of Economic Science and Statistics of, II 347, 348 British Museum, Galton presents ' Bess' to, IIIB 473 British Race, deterioration of, IIIA 251, 364-367; defects and qualities of, IIIA 252, 253; improvement of, IIIA 253. See also Anglo-Saxon British Type, union of, with Scandinavian, 11 371 Broadley, Anne, describes a visit from the youthful Galton, 198; amanuensis to Galton, 1217 Brodrick, G., death of, IIIB 525 Brooke, Sir A., takes Galton to see a clairvoyant, 1190 Brothers, Galton's values of correlation and regression for pairs of, IIIA 25 Browne, Rev. G. F., on Galton's Redo lecture, IIIB 473 Browne, Sir T., and use of word `aberrance,' IIIA 99 Browning, Oscar, and a circular walk in Heidelberg, IIIA 404 Brown-Sequard, experiments of, on guinea-pigs, Galton's criticism of, 11 182-184 Bruce, and the African memorial, 1125; writes first on Khartoum, IIIB 548 Brussels, Galton's early visit to, 194 Buckland, F., and Galton, II 87; `The Land and the Water' of, 11 87 Buckle, achievements of, 11 420 Buda Peat, Galton at, I 136 Budding, Galton on, 11 190 Buffalo, African, in Italy, 11 31, 32 Bull, episode of mad, 182 Bull-dog, effect of continued selection of size of head in, IIIA 94 Bull -fight, Galton's description of, IIIB 508, 512 Bulloch, W., material from, IIIA 359 Bunbury, Mrs (Adele Galton, sister to Francis Galton), on birth of Galton, I 62, 63; her early training of Galton, 163, 65, 66, 68, 69, IIIB 446; early letters of Galton to, 1 66, 71, 80, 86, 87, 95, 102, 103, 119; Galton advises, 1126; Galton's early bequest to, 168; letters of, to her sisters, IIIB 449-451; marriage of, I 193; Galton visits, II 130; portrait of, I 213 Plate LV his; silhouette of, 152 Plate XXXIV Burbury, and technical scientific terms, IIIA 334; work of, IIIB 487 Burgess, Dean, meets Sir Francis S. Darwin and Theodore Galton abroad, IIIB 592 Burglar, visitations of a, 179; finger-print of, on window frame, IIIA 160 Burial Grounds, IIIB 532 Burnand, Miss, and a cartoon in ' Punch,' IIIA 375 Burns, Mr and Mrs J., and Lady A., RIB 574 Burton, the African explorer, 1130; and Galton, 1125, 27, 28, 68; and Speke, 11 25-27 Burton-Speke expedition, 11 25, 26 Bury, Mr, Galton's schoolmaster, 170 Bushmen, visualising faculty in, II 239, 240, 252; method of drawing in, 11239, 240 Business, success of Samuel Galton in, 146, 48; capacity of Sir Douglas Galton, 163 Busk, Sir E., and the Fellowship in Eugenics, MIA 222, 223; and Galton bequest, MA 301, 302 Busk, Dr G., craniology of, II 334; Galton's obituary notice of, 11 396 Bust, of Galton, proposals regarding, IIIA 374, 375; Sir G. Frampton models, IIIA 388, 389, IIIB 598, 599; in the Academy, III B 605; all aspects of a, on a single negative, Inn 520 Plate LIV Butler, on mimicry, IIIA 370 Butler, Arthur (brother-in-law to Galton), to stay with Galton, IIIB 540; Galton to visit, IIIB 573; death of, IIIA 370 Butler, Frank, to act for Galton, IIIB 507; with Galton, IIIB 548, 549; assists Galton, IIIB 598, 599; Galton to visit, MB 569, 570 Butler, George, to be consulted regarding plans for eugenic certificates, IIIA 296; sees Vesuvius with Galton, IIIB 475; visits Galton, IIIB 573 Butler, Harcourt, on finger-print system in India, ME 591; member of Viceroy's Council in India, IIIB 607, 608 Butler, H. Montagu, appointed Master of Trinity, IIIB 476; writes to Galton on his election to a Trinity Fellowship, IIIA 236, 238; writes on receiving portrait of Galton for Trinity College, IIIB 551; on the characteristics of Galton, IIIB 619 Butler, James (son of H. Montagu Butler), wins scholarship, IIIB 558 Butler, Mrs Josephine, II 130; meets Galton in Italy, IIIB 475 Butler, Louisa. See Galton, Mrs Francis Butler, Maud, meets Galton in Egypt, IIIB 518, 519 Butler, Prof. Stanley, at St Andrews, IIIA 361; son of, IIIB 609 Butlers, pedigree of the, IIIA 343 Butterworth, captain of the ' Dalhousie,' 1217 Button, Elizabeth, 136 Button, Robert, a strenuous Quaker, I 35-38, 59; and George Fox, 137 Button, Sarah, married John Galton, 136 Button, Admiral Sir T., travels of, 136 Buttons, Quaker strain of, in Galton ancestry, 110, 11; family of, 136, 37; heavy infant mortality of, 136, 37 Buxton, Charles, at Cambridge, 1 141, 164, 166, 167; with Galton on reading party, 1168; his widow's love of animals, IIIB 547 Buxton, Sir Fowell, with Galton on reading party, 1168; takes a poll degree, 1171; in London, 1188, 189; meets Galton at Trinity College, IIIB 574 Buys Ballot, meteorological assistance of, 1139 Cairns, and ' The Reader,' 11 68 Cairo, Galton at, IIIA 240. See also Egypt Cake, on scientific cutting of, IIIB 579, 580 Calculating Boys and inheritance, 1 1276 Calorifere, use of, IIIB 545 Calvin, influence of, 11137, 139, 142 Cambridge Anthropometric Laboratory, 11226, 379, 387, 388 Cambridge Union Society, and Galton, 1173-175 Cambridge University, Galton's plans for going to, 1106, 107, 110; Darwin advises concerning education at, I 110; Galton's mathematical studies and career at, 1140-195; his breakdown at, I 194; influence of, on Galton and Darwin, I 12; on Galton, 1141, 142, 194, 195, IIIA 238; affection for, 1140, 141, IIIA 237, 238; confers honour on Galton, IIIB 494, 495; Galton gives Redo lecture at, II 268, 270, 271, IIIB 473; Karl Pearson lectures on statistics at, IIIA 314, 315; mathematical lecturers at, IIIA 315. See also Trinity College