OCR Rendition - approximate
Characterisation, especially by Letters 619 strychnine into his wrist, hoping to strengthen his heart which was rapidly failing, he would know all about it and exactly bow it would act-this an hour before death. He died very peacefully and looked so natural and sweet after death, I could not believe he had gone. It is a terrible blow to Professor Pearson, who was his greatest friend. Thanking you for so kindly writing to me, and hoping all of you are well. Yours sincerely, L. E. BIGGS. Extract from the Claverdon Parish Magazine. The following has been written specially for this Magazine by the Rev. Dr H. M. Butler, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge: Sir Francis Galton is best known to the public as an African traveller and a very eminent man of science. With certain branches of science his name is likely to be linked for all time to come as that of a leader and discoverer. In this short paper he will be sketched from another point of vie%v by one who has known and loved him since the close of 1852. He was a man of singular sweetness of temper, courteous, considerate, prompt to sympathise in little things as well as great. He was a charming companion in any travelling excursion, at home or abroad, skilful in planning the various localities to be visited and the various stages, bright and resourceful in dealing with any incidents, imperturbable and amusing if any of these were of a troublesome or perplexing kind. In conversation he was keen, vigilant, always on the look out for something new or beautiful or wonderful. His interests were by no means only scientific. He had an intimate knowledge and an ever-fresh enjoyment of not a few of our greatest authors, among whom Shakespeare, Keats, Tennyson might be specially singled out, poets who had been among the favourites of the exceptionally able young men with whom he had lived during his happy days at Cambridge. He enjoyed greatly any novels that naturally stirred and encouraged thought, especially if these were read out of doors by two or three friends during a walking tour in beautiful countries. Among such novels may be named Kingsley's Alton Locke, Yeast, Westward Ho! He was a very faithful friend, and drew his many friends from many various quarters and very different lines of thought and creed. He was very happy in his long married life with the daughter of Dr George Butler, formerly Head Master of Harrow School and Dean of Peterborough. After her death abroad, as old age carne gradually on, he retained all the freshness of his intellect and the warmth of his heart, but his bodily activities became less and less. As farr back as July, 1908, he wrote to a near kinsman, "The sunset of life is accompanied with pains and penalties, and is a cause of occasional inconvenience to friends. But for myself I find it to be on the whole a happy and peaceful time, on the condition of a frank submission to its many restrictions." Two years and a half of life were still to be granted to him, but the words just quoted might have been written even to the close. He died in his 89th year, leaving behind him not only an abiding fame, but a beautiful memory, for he was in truth "a man greatly beloved." H. M. B. CLAVERDON LEYS, WARWICK. July 11, 1911. DEAR PEARSON, Sir George and Lady Darwin have been here, and he has taken much trouble re-drafting the proposed epitaph to my Uncle. I must say I like it much better than 's, but do not tell the latter! Sir George specially asked me to consult you about it, and if possible to suggest any amendment. I like it as being short and simple. What do you think? I have to go to the Meeting to-morrow, but do not expect to see you as I hope you are still in the North and taking a rest, so I will write no more. There is no immediate hurry for an answer. Yours very sincerely, E. G. WHELER. [The epitaph just as it now reads in Claverdon Church was enclosed see Vol. 111A, p. 434.] Extracts from Francis Galion's Rough Note-books. It seems to me worth while illustrating in a single instance Francis Galton's method of work. He would take a note-book and write suggestions in pencil in it. In these his handwriting is very minute, very indistinct, and the text 78-2