OCR Rendition - approximate
Characterisation, especially b y Letters 617 Name links deutlich zu sehen 'IF. Galton." Auffallend ist, dass der Wasserspiege um etwa 5 oder 7 Meter gestiegen ist. Vor 10 Jahren war er erheblich niedriger. Ich weiss nicht, wie Sie ihn Ihrer Zeit gefunden haben. Ich hoffe, dass Ihnen these Erinnerung am Damaraland eine kleine Freude machen wird. Ich erinnere mich mit grosser Freude an den Mittag, den ich im Sommer 1909 in Ihrem Hause verleben durfte. Indem ich bitte mich Ihrem Fraulein Nichte empfehlen zu wollen, bin ich, mit ausgezeichneter Hochachtung, Ihr sehr ergebener, PH. KUHN. GRAYSHOTT HOUSE, HASLEMERE, SURREY. January 9, 1911. MY DEAR MILLY, I am not sure when I last wrote-possibly quite lately, for I was then writing many letters. If so, excuse repetition of nothing. You certainly have the art of attracting and taming birds. I can't induce them to come, when I try. But we have now put up coconuts for the tits, and we drink the fluid in them ourselves. Violet Galton is with us for the week. I hope Guy was none the worse for his long trudge in the flooded way, on returning from Loxton. I wish I had something interesting to tell you, but have nothing to say more, beyond affectionate wishes to you all, individually. FRANCIS GALTON. [This is the last letter which I know of in Francis Galton's handwriting. ED.] GRAYSHOTT, HASLEMERE. January 16, 1911. DEAR MILLY, I am so sorry to hear of your illness now, and do hope you will pick up soon. I am thankful Dim is better. I am sorry to have no good news. Dr Lyndon considered Uncle Frank worse this afternoonhis breath is so difficult to get, he is in great discomfort and very weak, but so sweet and cheerful, always saying something witty if lie can speak a few words. Will write again to-morrow. Edward is such a comfort to me and to him also. Your loving EVA. THE ATHENAEUM, PALL MALL, S.W. January 19, 1911. DEAR Miss BIGGS, I am grieved to see the announcement in this morning's papers and send you truest sympathy. Sir Francis has been for so many years your charge and filled so large a part in your life that the loss of his presence, always so bright and kindly, will be a sore bereavement. I trust you may be enabled to bear up under so heavy a sorrow. I sincerely regret not to have been able to get to Grayshott for weeks past and have missed seeing your Uncle. But my own tragic bereavement, the illness of my Wife and the urgent business connected with my Son's death have kept me busy and much in London. I am still tied down here by business which I cannot shirk, otherwise I would come up to Grayshott to see if I could be of any service to you. With my sincere sympathy. Yours very truly, ARCH. GEIKIE. THE ATHENAEUM, PALL MALL, S.W. January 19, 1911. DEAR Miss BIGGS, The telegram which you so kindly sent me yesterday reached me after I had written to you this morning. At the meeting of the Royal Society to-day the news of the death of Sir Francis Galton was received with the deepest regret. He was I think our oldest and certainly one of our most distinguished fellows, and the feeling was expressed on all sides that it was well that the Society even at the last had recognised his genius by awarding to him its highest honour, the Copley Medal. I shall never cease to regret that I was unable to pay him a visit during these last few weeks. But from the kindly note I had from him I knew that he understood how I stood. The Royal Society desires to pay the last tribute of respect to its venerated colleague by being represented at his funeral, and I made the arrangements this afternoon. I sincerely regret that I shall be prevented from attending myself. With renewed sympathy. Yours very truly, ARCH. GEIKIE. ST RADEGUND'S, CAMBRIDGE. January 21, 1911. DEAR DARWIN, I feel I must write to some one to express my sincere regret at the loss of our dear and venerated old friend Francis Galton. I don't know his own people. Ripe as his years were-and I am sure he would have hated to live in any crippled state-yet so sturdy and keen was he that his death seems a surprise and a shock. I had not seen him for some P G III 78