OCR Rendition - approximate
Characterisation, especially by Letters 605 introducing more simplicity where needed. Eva will receive you here on Tuesday and goes to Rome next day ; in the first instance through to Baveno, where she will meet friends. I am rejoiced that she is now strong and very fit for travel. Miss Jones came here yesterday. She will take much trouble about me off your hands, being very vigorous and serviceable. I trust you will find all here as you want, The drawing-room is much improved, thanks to Lucy Studdy's idea of a solid partition instead of a curtain. Did I tell you that the bust, or rather a cast of it, is in the Royal Academy? Sir G. Frampton only sent one other exhibit, out of the six he is entitled to as R.A. Best loves to you all. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. May 21, 1910. MY DEAR EVA, You will be so immersed in Italian feelings and atmosphere, that news from here will seem petty and even profane, for a time at least, to you. The facts are: (1) I miss you. (2) Edward and M. L. returned last night and spent an hour here, looking very well and with much to say. (3) Grace Moilliet, by tact and enterprise, saw both the lying-instate and the funeral procession. Both Milly and I, each in our several ways, went to Hyde Park to see the crowd. It was totally impossible to get near to the route. The crowd was singularly orderly and quiet and all in black. (4) Sir G. Frampton comes to-morrow to see where the bust is to stand and to fix for the pedestal accordingly. (5) The Times has a favourable leading article and a long analysis of Miss Elderton's paper about the children of drunkards, which will make Saleeby tear his hair. All well and happy. Our best loves, F. GALTON. (6) Miss Jones returned last night. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. May 31, 1910. MY DEAR EVA, I do most thoroughly enter into your happy feelings in this the crowning epoch of your life. Everything seems to combine to enhance its happiness-the air and climate of Italy and the sound of the language, the quiet affection in the convent, the ceremonial at the Vatican, all combining with the great function itself of your entering the church that your temperament most requires. I heartily congratulate you. It is pleasant to me to hear how helpful dear Louisa's relations have proved to you. I have no particular news. Sometimes more, now less of asthma-the usual round. A letter I wrote last night to the Times joining issue with one of Ray Lankester, is published this morning in biggish type. Miss Elderton and a sister of Miss Jones came yesterday to tea,`and such-like events at present complete the round of my daily life. I have now no tearing wants or ambitions. My race has been run, and I have simply to await the close of life. Milly seems very well and happy. Dim comes towards the end of this week. Miss Jones does all she can, and goes to-day for me to the South Kensington Art Gallery to add something to the tracings from Dance. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. June 26, 1910. MY DEAR MILLY, It is well that your stay here has not, after all, interfered with the house-cleaning before your guests arrive. I miss the tapping of your tool for making the papers for the blind, and I often lift up my eyes and, not seeing you on the sofa, wonder for a moment if you are elsewhere in the room. Thank you again for coming. Eva has a `°clergyman's" sore throat, brought on she thinks by talking too loud and long to me in eagerness to relate her story. She writes for me now what she wishes to say, but will probably be quite right again in two or three days. Mrs Townsend* is here. She has (while here) three big speeches to make, a masseuse to operate on her, and a weak heart. So she is in her room and takes her meals there most days, quaffing champagne (in moderation) which is her usual drink, and very grateful for the opportunity of being quiet. Beak's t wife was moved to St Mary's Hospital on Thursday. He will be allowed to see her to-day. It appears that a quantity of stale blood has to be drawn from the tumour on her wrist, and that she may get well afterwards quickly. Karl Pearson had a large reception last night at the Eugenics Laboratory. I am curious to hear about it. The Academic Registrar of the University of Well-known in relation to the " Girls' Friendly Society." t At this time Galton's valet-nurse.