OCR Rendition - approximate
582 Life and Letters of Francis Galton of thought and experiment to make a logical classification, and yet a brief one, of moods and subjects of thought. I based mine originally on the Ten Commandments (leaving out the 2nd, 3rd and 4th as archaic), but find this division can be much improved on for the present purpose. Thus, it is convenient to have a preliminary division into vigorous virtues and vices, and to subservient" ones. Almost any reasonable system will work fairly well. I use generally two letters ; one for the class, the other for the subdivision, with a dash (v') to signify "faint" and an underscore (y) to signify "strong." One does not like to put too much down with pencil or pen. I have hitherto burnt my notes (though they were mostly hieroglyphics), but memorised the results. Where I have deteriorated is firstly in a general weakening of the moods-perhaps this is merely the result of age. The second failure is more easily remedied; it is the want of frequent withdrawal into one's self and of looking at and directing one's own conduct as if it were that of an alien, together with all that action connotes, such as communion with a higher power. The fact is, I used to overdo this, and feeling myself becoming priggish, thought that simple naturalness, for a bout, would be good. But I have overdone this phase too, and must revert to the old one, which it will be grateful now to do. If you have ever attempted anything of this kind, or heard of any one doing so briefly (not by gushing out pourings and self-revelations), do tell me. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. I shall be most interested in your and Fred's Swiss plans. I have been laid up during most of the week with my inflamed and eczematous ear. It is practically well. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. April 11, 1907. DEAREST MILLY,. You will all be most welcome at luncheon (1 h.) to-morrow. I shall be particularly glad to make Miss Trail's acquaintance. Your tidings concerning Bob are very encouraging and will lighten the skirts of the hitherto terribly gloomy sky. Enclosed I return the beautiful letterof your monastic' friend. Thank you much for letting me see it. No creed can compare' with Christianity in its conviction of an all-pervading love. . Stoicismand most pantheisms are cold and cheerless for the want of it. Ever most affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. I' have not yet heard from Eva, but probably shall do so either by a late post to-night or early to-morrow. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. May 29, 1907. DEAREST MILLY, Eva's address is Moor House, Ringmer, Sussex. I had a letterfrom her yesterday-short, but pleasant. George Butler leaves to-morrow. Lucy Studdy does not come, as her maid's " shingles" has now attacked the leg and made stairs impracticable for her. She goes into lodgings. I am steadily recovering from the effects of an awkward fall on to the floor of my bedroom Saturday-Sunday night. It was about midnight, and getting up -I rested on the. edge of a three-legged table with "invalid comforts" on it. It tipped over and came down with a clatter of crockery, and I fell with it, heavily, on to the floor. I was so bruised and battered that I had not strength to lift myself up, so there I lay helpless till 62 a.m. when the united forces of the awakened household lifted me, in no small pain, on to my bed. Things are mending one by one, and I can already almost get out of or into bed unaided. Hibbert, the nurse-housekeeper, sleeps in my dressing-room, and Gifi and she are most anxious to help. So my Oxford lecture, "to be delivered by myself," is abandoned. I have sent everything prepared for printing to the authorities there. Excuse bad writing, my hand is still sprained. Here is an Art of Travel experience. It has twice occurred to me for want of better accommodation to sleep on a billiard table. I now find that an oak floor is less hard, also that it carries off the body heat less quickly. I dare not make any plans yet, but if improvement continues to-morrow, the doctor thinks I may. As it stands I should go to Claverdon for a few nights on the 7th. Love to Amy. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTox. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. June 6, 1907. DEAREST MILLY, I do trust that you and Amy are now in a fit state for the calm and serenity that Italy can give. All my earliest and pleasantest recollections of the Italian lakes are associated with Baveno. How I used to watch the boatmen manipulating the heavy slabs of granite and getting them on rollers into boats, and there used to be simple merry-makings