OCR Rendition - approximate
566 Life and Letters of Francis Galton men in two motors appeared here three days ago. They drank like Britons and sang the Marseillaise like Frenchmen and danced in rhythm to the chatter of the motors in the place in front of the hotel. Much of this would be a nuisance. The inn does not possess a third story, only two of them. I would send you the final proof of the Louping-ill, etc., Report, had I not already sent it on to Erasmus. The scientific part of the inquiry is by Dr Hamilton. Edward Wheler's part was making a readable summary. Parts I and II are technical and confused, but they contain the facts on which the summary, Part III, is based. I have no doubt that Edward Wheler gave much help all along. I think that they have good men now inquiring into S. African cattle plague, but these inquiries take much time. It is long before a true clue is found. Louping-ill was at first ascribed to ticks, but it was proved that they had nothing to do with it. The malaria mosquito, and the poison carried by, not emanating from, the tsetse, are instructive instances. When the Blue Book is out, you will like to read Part III, which I presume will, cost under 6d. Parliamentary Reports are always issued so cheaply, at little more than cost of paper and printing. I am glad you could make something out of my brief summary re "Resemblance. Karl Pearson approves, but I do not, of the paper I have had typed. The subject has many side issues, and I must publish nothing without examples, but I see my way now pretty clearly. Karl Pearson helpfully suggests that I should work out fraternal resemblance and compare the numerical results so obtained with those already derived from measurements, and which are now certainly determined to within less than -,Ivth of the stated value. So I shall take steps towards doing this. Arthur Galton has been staying at Claverdon. He has many staunch friends. I wish I could appreciate him more, but his ideals in every way differ much from my own. I am always delighted to hear good words of him, being a relation. Eva,gave to a young lady friend an introduction to his brother Ralph Galton in Ceylon, and she wrote from there a few days ago charmed with him. The young lady is a Miss Riardon, a Canadian, who travels far afield with her aunt. We met them in Sicily. How you are all marrying! Eva knows well about; Mr Cope's merits. I shall be half sorry and half glad to leave this restful place, but it is becoming too restful in this weather, that keeps me for many days at a time wholly indoors. Novels are a great resource in the evening-good ones and big type. There is a very good circulating library at St Jean de Luz. I described our wild boar as having tusks. He has none; I mistook tufts of light-coloured hair for them. When I first saw him he had been, I suppose, shut up over long, for he rushed' about hither and thither with short turns like a lunatic snipe and I could not see clearly. Since then he has been very quiet and the boys scratch him as he lies on his side to his great enjoyment. He is a funny and a handsome beast. Best loves to Amy and you all. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. Post-card. Hotel d'Angleterre, Biarritz, France, will be our address. February 26, 1906. Such a disaster to our best clothes. They were all leftat the Hotel Terminus, St Jean de Luz, which was totally burnt on Saturday night. Such a panic, we hear. All the tenants out in the streets, in a gale, in their chemises! We were to have gone there for a week, to-day. As it is we go to Biarritz to refit. All my papers and valuables were fortunately with me, so none. of them are destroyed. Only a holocaust of good clothes. It was the fire in a Frenchman's chimney that caused the mischief. We leave Ascain to-morrow morning. FRANCIS GALTON. Portion of a letter addressed to Edward Wheler. SAN SEBASTIAN. March 12, 1906. Your Marseilles card of March 8 just come. So glad that all goes well. We are tripping in Spain for a very little while. Our chief news is already a week and more old, namely, that all our smart things, which had been left in charge of a smart hotel, while we roughed it in the country, were utterly burnt, hotel and all. It is funny being clotheless, but the natives in these smart districts all wear clothes and have tailors and linendrapers where they can be bought. I had all my papers with me. Lots of Royalty here, and Grand Dukeries, and I presume Royal Courtship too. The King of Spain looked older and more set-up than I had expected. His profile is pronounced. It is a very different face from that which is printed on the front of this card. You fly with the mail and I doubt whether Alexandria would still be a feasible address, so I send this to Malta. I hope