OCR Rendition - approximate
562 Life and Letters of Francis Galton [In Evelyne Biggs' handwriting.] I should like to read the Fogazzaro, also the book on Naples, but I find as a rule I can't read Serao's writings. Just begun Pecheur d'Islande, it is very charming in spite of being French ! This place is most paintable, the Basque buildings are delightfully irregular and no street is at right angles, or rather the houses in it aren't and that makes it so interesting. I think we've got the tunnel murderer in this hotel ! Lucky we are just moving ! E. B. Address 42, Rutland Gate, "please forward." February 3, 1906. DEAR SCHUSTER, At length, after a scarcely pardonable delay, I have had a good go at your paper. (1) Take great pains to describe the Subjects' doings in terse and forcible language. It is a most difficult task, so it would be well to be in touch with some classical or literary friends to criticise helpfully. An epitaph is a work of art ; the late Lord Houghton was frequently appealed to to compose them for public characters, and these are like epitaphs. I have pencilled suggestions of my own. (2) About the appendix to each family, such as that to the Freres, which please look at for explanation, it will of course be printed in smaller type. I think that the Subjects, as (fa fa + bro sis), bad better be the bracketed entries, and their brothers and sisters or sons and daughters be separate, thus (fafa + bro sis) 2 bros, 3 sis 11 (subjects + bro sis) 3 bros, 0 sis 11 etc. Think this over and do what you then think best, for it will be your book. (3) In the Butler family you have tried broa,, bro, etc. instead of brol, bro,, etc. I like the numerals best. It would hardly do to combine the notations as bro, son.,, because, however well it might look in one pedigree, the term bro, might appear as bro3 in another, as applied to the same person, which would puzzle. You have taken great pains with these families. I have been twice in correspondence with Murray, first in regard to whether the book was to be one of the University of London Series, he replying that he understood not. I referred this and him to Hartog, to whom I also wrote, fearing to make some technical blunder; Hartog suggested at least the University arms. The second was yesterday in reply to half a dozen sample covers of diffused hues, all printed alike and with the arms. I suggested the addition of the words " modern science," which no doubt he will put in if he gets my answer in time. Otherwise there would be nothing on the cover of the book (though there is in the title-page) to distinguish it from forthcoming volumes of the same kind. The cover looks uncommonly well and suitable to attract attention favourably, as it lies on a table. I have just received an offprint of a German translation of all my Eugenics papers, inserted in that excellent periodical Archiv fur Rassen- and Gesellsehafts-Biologie of which I know Professor Pearson has a high opinion. I have not bad time yet to look at it but am sure it will be done well, as the co-editor who translated it writes in excellent English. We are in a funny and very comfortable Basque Inn, in a village, Ascain; four or five miles from St Jean de Luz. It depends upon procurable rooms whether or no we move hence to Sarre, another Basque village, or possibly even go a little way into Spain. So you had better write to 42, Rutland Gate, "to be forwarded," if you have occasion to do so before you hear from me again. Very faithfully yours, FRANCIS GALTON. HOTEL DE LA RHUNE, ASCAIN, BASSES PYRENEES, FRANCE. February 8, 1906. DEAREST MILLY, Your last letter, that you wrote of on a post-card, has miscarried. We get all letters forwarded from St Jean de Luz, but yours has not been among them. I am so sorry. We like this place, but having been house-bound by bad weather I have as yet seen little of the neighbourhood. There is a pet here that even you have no experience of, viz. a wild boar, 10 months old, as high as my knee. He is kept mostly shut up, but was let out yesterday for a run. It was the funniest sight conceivable to see his twists and turns and gallops about the field and garden. His tusks are fully 3 inches long, not sharp but formidable looking, and he shakes his head continually as though ripping up at something. He will be dangerous soon. The landlord picked him up quite young on the hills. There are no events here to tell you of. As regards personal matters, I packed off my paper to-day on the " Measurement of Resemblance" to the typist, who is to send one copy to Karl Pearson for his criticism, which