OCR Rendition - approximate
o"0 Life and Letters of .Francis G'alton dog and the looking-glass. Probably the little creature was terrified because the reflection did not smell. We shall be very sorry to leave; the people about are very nice and sociable and the quiet country is delightful. My little book is as troublesome as an ague, I thought it was off my hands but it has bothered me up to this instant, when I sealed up the MS. in a packet to - go by post to Murray.: And still there are odds and ends left and revises to come, etc., etc. But it is comparatively calm now. And it is such a small book after all. My friend F. H. Collins, who is a prince among proof correctors but cannot now leave his arm-chair, has been giving all his working time last week to putting Schuster's contribution into better. shape. The material was good but the arrangement too higgledy-piggledy. I; started winter underclothing this morning. Among the people we have met is that, wonderful Arab-horsey lady, Lady Anne Blunt. She had a great deal to tell. She and her husband go to Arabia to buy horses. She lives by theTombs of the Kings near Cairo where a stud is kept, and they have annual sales in England. She is apt to appear in marvellous dresses, of some outlandish cutd and-colour, not necessarily; Arab. _She came out on one occasion in bright scarlet from top to bottom, as 'I heard. She is grand-daughter of Lord Byron, so may do mad things with. propriety. Best loves. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS CALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. October 27, 1905. DEAR MR CONSTABLE, I am flattered that you have thought my book worthy of attack, hip and thigh. You have chipped off manyy bits of, paint but I am so incurably self-conceited that I do not yet feel any timber to be shaken. If I were to reply in print I should fix on the second' paragraph of p.138 and follow out the conclusions to which it leads. You will be scandalised at a forthcoming volume, Noteworthy Families (Modern Science), but if you see it, I think you will find the Chapter on " Success' as a Statistical Measure of Ability " worth reading. Now I not only take your scourging with a smiling face but have the impudence to ask if you could get the enclosed forms suitably, filled' up for nme? If you do, the reply will probably arrive after I have left London (for Pau)'for the winter. Therefore the address at the bottom of the Circular is the best to use. Faithfully yours, FRANCIS GALTON. I send this via your publisher, being not sure of your present address. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. October 28, 1905. MY DEAR BESSY, I more than fear that it would be very unwise for me to yield to the pleasure and wish of seeing you, before we start for Pau next Thursday.. I had a sharp attack of shivering on Wednesday morning, and the doctor sent me to bed on fever diet all Thursday; yesterday the fever went, and to-day I may get downstairs a little while. He says I ought to be fit to start next Thursday, and the sooner I get away the better. So I- must' reserve every ounce of strength for the longish journey, and fear' much that a long day to and from Leamington beforehand is, more than I can stand. As soon as I cross the channel, as a rule, I feel better in breathing and general fitness. I am very sorry indeed. I wanted so much to see you and Erasmus before' these many months of banishment. Louisa* will write her views and shee must represent me in person. You always take such interest in family matters, such as mine, that I send you a letter just received from the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. It is about a copy of the portrait which Charles Furse painted of me. I heard unofficially that the Fellows of the College would be very glad to have one, so I got an excellent copy; of it made by Frank Carter, and sent it with a suitable letter. You will. see that they accept it both warmly and gratefully. It will be hung according to the recommendation of their 11 Memorials Committee," probably in the Great Hall alongside of many far more distinguished worthies. Anyhow, as a picture it would hold its own in -any collection. Don't destroy the letter. It ought to be preserved somewhere. If it can be copied and returned it would be a good plan. I am very sorry that the rheumatism continues. Your news of Lucy and the Colonel is not quite as good as we could wish. You will have been hearing much of Lord Leigh's funeral. The death of a foremost man in a county must leave a large -void for a time. Before we go, I shall certainly write again and send my address, which cannot be fixed until the reply of an hotel-keeper to my note arrives. It is due this evening or Monday morning. Ever very affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. * I believe' this is a slip for Eva, Galton's great-niece and comrade... He used by accidental habit the name of his dead wife. See the following letter.