OCR Rendition - approximate
![]() r31 Lift' and Letters o Fl-anr_is Gallon many years, were descended from a single queen bee, sent by post to England from the Riviera. Is it possible? I am not sorry to remain several weeks longer in England, being not strong enough now for the risks of an ordinary journey. We hope to be off in the second tiaeek of February. Things go on here in a humdrum regular way. No real advance just now-. Loves to you all. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GAUro-,. Gal'onia*. Flores hermaphroditi, regulares, pendnli, hractea membranacea stipati, 1 nne pedicella i, pedicellis summo apice articulatis. Periyonium corollinum, candidum, campanulaturu, limbo 6-fidu, patente, laciniis planis apice papilloso-incrassatis, exterioribus oblongis, interioribus obovatis basi augustatis. Stamina biseriata, subaequalia, tubo ad faucem inserta, inclusa, filamentis subulatis, glabris ; antheris oblongis, dorso medio affixis, oleaginis: polline aureo. Orariem sessile, oblongun triloculare, loculis pluriovulatis septis glandulis nectariferis minimis; ovula biseriata, anatropa. Styles cum ovario continuus, erectus, obsolete trigonus stamina superans subaequans; stigmata tria, sessilia. Capsekrt sessilis, oblonga, membranacea, reticuInto venosa, loculicide;f trivalvis, polysperma. Serniaa ovata, mutua pressione angulata, testa membranacea, nigro fusca; albumen carnosum; embryo cylindricus longitudine albuminis. Iferbae bulbosae, Africae australis incolae. Bulbus tunicatus. Folia pauca, manna, linear in, ereeta v, patula, crassiuscula, glauca. Scapus metralis. Flores racemosi, inodori, albi, speciosi, bractea membranacea integra v. inferne lobulata stipati; pedicelli in floribus virgineis reflexis, fecundatione peracta, erecti, summo apice sub perianthio articulati. Galton (Francis), auteur du "Narrative of an Explorer in South Africa," London, 1853. From "Note sur le Galtonia (Ifyacinthus candicans), nouveau genre de Liliacies de 1'Afrique australe," Flores des &erres et des Jardin,s de l'Europe, Tom. xxtii, p. 32, 1880. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. January 1, 190;j. DEAREST MILLY, This is my first letter in 1905, written with a new pen and in a new suit of clothes. Also I feel a new man, the cough having apparently gone with 1904. A very happy New Year to you and all yours. I-was so glad to hear what you told me about Frank. All your sons and your daughter are so much liked. It must be a great pleasure to you. I got out this morning for a long drive (for me) round Regent's Park, without being tired. I suppose it has turned cold with you as with us. The N. wind has driven the fog away, and we saw some sun at last. If life that has no history is happy, mine now must be supremely so, for I have no news whatever. I got to the Club yesterday; people seemed older; even Lord Avebury who was boyish for half a century looks at last rather old, the hair changing from colour to colourless. Dear Emma s grave stone is not even yet put up. Bessy tells me that the grave is prepared for it and that she has seen the tablet, which the stone mason brought to her, but there has been some delay about the stone itself, which is due from Portland. I wonder if it is quarried by convicts, or do they only quarry stone for Government works? This terrible Jap war 1 and the soldiers freezing with cold. How they do quarry mines! Fancy the explosion of two tons of dynamite. It was, I think, one ton that blew up in a barge some time ago in the Regent's Canal-or was it only gunpowder?-and shattered all the windows near and sent the tigress in the Zoo into hysterics. It must have been only gunpowder, or the canal would have been destroyed, and much besides. Love to you all and regards to the rats if more than one remains. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. January 8, 1905. DEAREST MiLLY, It must have been a great shock to you, that horrible accident close to your gate. Poor fellow, even if drunk, the punishment to him and his family exceeded apparently his sins, by far. I have often wondered and talked with people about what the results would be if our sympathies were vastly keener, or to put it in another way: What should f Mr. V. Summerhayes, who has kindly looked for me at the specimens of Galtonia in the Herbarium at Kew, informs me that the capsules seem to be dehiscing for a short distance both loculicidally and septicidally, along six sutures in all. The capsule then seems to act as a censer or pepper-pot mechanism, since dehiscence apparently never goes beyond the upper third.