OCR Rendition - approximate
Characterisation, especially by Letters 531 I suppose, were there, in obviously deep sorrow. I walked out with Mrs Leonard Courtney. The last time we met was at the cremation of Herbert Spencer, when her husband delivered the beautiful, simple and forcible farewell to him. It will be nearly a fortnight before you get full tidings of Frank. You said that Guy was learning finger-print work; I suppose, how to read off and classify. They will of course have plenty of prints for his purpose available at the prison? I fear I could not help him with specimens as mine are all classified already. My fellowship affair comes before the Senate of the University of London next Wednesday, so nothing could appear about it in the papers before Thursday and then probably a mere notice under University intelligence. They will advertise for candidates, and that may attract notice; also inquiries will be made privately, for they do not bind themselves to select from those who answer the advertisement. At the best, it is "buying a pig in a poke," for so much depends on points of disposition and capacity that can only be guessed at, however elaborate the descriptions may be. I will tell you the results of course. I lunched last Tuesday with the Principal of University College, to see what rooms they could allot there for the "Fellow." It will shortly become an integral part of the London University, instead of being as hitherto a separate College. The professors are such a strenuous lot; I had coffee after lunch with them. Everything was simple. They, or the chemists among them, make the coffee; a big brew out of which each ladles his own cupful. I had a chat there with a charming professor, Sir William Ramsay, just back from a lecturing tour in America. He does not rate American science in his branch any higher than others have done in theirs. They have a few good men, mostly imported, as Professors, but not much that is indigenous. Edward Wheler and M. L. were here three or four days ago*. He fills his place uncommonly well and I am proud of him. He does real good work. Love to Amy. I do wish that your eyesight were better. Eva is off to-day to Constance Pearson. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. October 30, 1904. DEAREST MILLY, Your autumn must be glorious. We two, Eva and I, had a glorious day out in Surrey. The trees were everywhere a uniform gold; no red whatever, but gold, gold, gold. I have never seen the like before. There were, as I heard, beeches on chalk soil, some three miles from where we were, that flamed in red, but I saw none of them. The portrait of me, by Charles Furse, which Eva insisted on having done. for herself, is come. It was painted at his house last autumn, but not quite completed to his taste; so it was agreed that it should remain with him, to be retouched in the spring (he being full of work and obliged also to spend many weeks at Davos in the winter, for health's sake). He came back and was overwhelmed with orders for pictures and it was agreed that I should again stay with him this autumn. Well, as you know, he has suddenly died, leaving a large number of unfinished pictures. But mine is practically finished and is now here. It is an excellent piece of work and would hold its own in any gallery of pictures; besides, it is very like. It is Eva's property. She won't tell me any further particulars, but keeps it as a secret, which I respect. The Fellowship arrangements are being rapidly pushed forward. While writing this, printed copies of the requirements have reached me, of which I enclose one for you as a memento. You see now (1) that everything is done in the name of the University and (2) that the word "Eugenics" is officially recognised. I am very glad of all this as it gives a status to the Inquiry, so that people cannot now say it is only a private fad. Mrs Eustace Hills was not the lady you met. Was she not Mrs Hills, Judge Grove's daughter, and mother-in-law to Mrs Eustace Hills? Judge Grove was one of the very kindest friends I ever had. It was at his house, hired for the shooting season, that dear Louisa was suddenly taken so alarmingly ill with violent haemorrhage from the stomach. Mrs Hills, then Miss Grove, was so very kind and helpful. It laid the foundation of an affectionate friendship between them. That illness was many years before the end of dear Louisa's life. The cause of it was never properly explained. Lecky's remarks on Gladstone are in the preface to his second edition (the last one) of Democracy and Liberty, tell Amy. The photo of dear Emma sitting in her drawing room is excellent; perfectly life-like and domestic; perhaps her figure is a little * Writing to his aunt, Emma Galton, in October 1898, Edward Galton-Wheler remarks: "I most thoroughly enjoyed being at Uncle Frank's. He is the best of hosts, always hospitable, and one feels it `Liberty Hall' where one can do anything one likes." 67-2