OCR Rendition - approximate
528 Life and Letters of Francis Galton and their wives and Eva bicycled. Then we talked "shop" and other things to our hearts' content and separated after two pleasant hours. We did this every Saturday last year. How the autumn Foo11zalh 1 Large walled A oer9 kifchen bufieher lures lzre}~q garderz . here $ rd I urASfie at nor aiCe ( _ _hresenl t i Yard 5l'ables -t I-- ~-I I tzarrour & dull road creeps on! I grieve at the departing summer. Give my best love to the Studdys-Eva would join if she were in the room. There is such a handsome old manor-house here. We went over it yesterday morning. A clear trout stream runs by its side. Ever very affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. MALTHOUSE, BI BURY, FAIRFORD. September 6, 1904. MY DEAR MILLY, I am anxious to hear about your eyes. How are they? Any news from the Cape? Now that dear Emma is gone, the family is like a wheel that has lost its tire. We must contrive means of keeping in closer touch. Bessy and, I write every week. You and I must do the same. I went to Loxton a week ago. Erasmus most hospitable, but what an uncomfortable life it would be to most; but he takes real pleasure in it and it suits him to a « T." And the quantity of occupation that he gets out of it is surprising, for he does not a little foreman's work, besides agent's work and, loving to do things substantially, takes much time over each. Then he keeps minute accounts and reads books and does kind things, and so, although he sleeps little, the day is full. It is very pleasant having the two professors, Karl Pearson and Weldon, within reach. Weldon has astonishing energy. He cycled over last Sunday from Oxford, 28 miles, taking Pearson by the way. He walked here, some 5 miles, and talked till past 8 p.m. and then cycled back the 28 miles, and does his hard professorial and other work all the same. They two went to Cambridge and had a (verbal) fight with Bateson and his followers on Mendelism. There was a pretty long account of it in the Times, out of which some rather savage phrases of Bateson had fortunately been left. They both, with wives, etc., come here to-morrow to tea. I had one of the Master of Trinity's charming letters about the British Association. Balfour, the Duke of Devonshire, and Lord Avebury's party were his house guests. He describes Balfour as a miracle of detachment, full of interest in high subjects, fresh, delightful, showing no sign of the wearying work he had gone through nor of the serious foreign anxieties of the moment. And he was immensely pleased with the Aveburys, five of them; he, she and three daughters. I look' forward much to coming to you on the 15th (we sleep in London on the 14th). Please tell me if this itinerary is right? Paddington dep. 12.25, Newton Abbot arr. 4.59, dep. 5.45, Bovey arr. 6.6, or should we take a fly from Newton Abbot? We can stay over Monday night, leaving you on Tuesday 20th, if that suits? Love to Amy and to all of the party who may be with you. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. CLAVERDON LEYS, WARWICK. September 23, 1904. DEAREST MILLY, Claverdon is so pleasantly changed. Edward and his wife bring in so many new interests, and they play their parts so well. I spent three hours in Leamington on the way here with Bessy, who looked singularly well; but she has rheumatic pains rather severely. She lives now at No. 5 and expects to migrate there altogether, being warmer and brighter and