OCR Rendition - approximate
Characterisation, especially by Letters 517 Paris. I atn not surprised. I wish my house could be of some use to them, but until Chumley* has been operated on and is cured, it would be impossible to offer it. I will certainly call on the Miss Homers when I return. I trust Milly and her household have got over their influenzas and that Guy may be finding some opening. I will write to her. In the scanty newspapers I have seen there is no ill news of Bob. It is very good and plucky of M.L: s brother to go out with the yeomanry. I feel very painfully the contrast between my enjoying myself lazily in this glorious climate and the sufferings of our countrymen at the Cape, but cannot think of anything I can now do usefully, except get thoroughly well. I am very glad that Darwin's cough is not worsened by the horrid weather you are having in England. Ours is sunshine from sunrise to sundown, but it can be bitterly cold on a still and cloudless night. It was so on three occasions at the Petries. I heaped everything on my bed with Eva's assistance, and next morning made a list of what I used. It was necessary to sleep between the blankets because the sheets struck cold; so a sheet was placed on the outside, tucked in at its top round the blankets to keep the
Besides this I slept in thick socks, in a jersey, drawers and in complete pyjama suit. Thus I felt warm, but by no means stuffy. The air is so nimble that it gets through everything woollen. Here, as in South Africa, skins and furs ought to be the best. I love your letters. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. t We have had a very nice queer time in the desert, very healthy! Uncle Frank just a little pleased to give up teetotal ways and have a glass of wine! My best love to you both. E. B. KARNAB HOTEL, LuxoR, EGYPT. January 22, 1900. But address to Hotel Angleterre, Cairo, Egypt, please. DEAREST EMMA AND BESSY, Your letters of the 13th arrived, as I had hoped they would, to-clay. We are all right, and have taken a bit of a walk this morning; only four miles, but the roads are very dusty and tiring. Donkey riding is the correct thing, but we wanted exercise. You doubtless got my letter (followed by a post-card) a week ago. Nothing particular has happened since. Of the few people here are Professor Macalister the Cambridge anatomistlie has gone to Petrie-Professor Sayce in his large house-boat (lie cones every winter to the Nile on account of his chest), and Lord Northampton. Lady N. was at church; carried there and back in a chair by magnificent sailors in gorgeous dresses and sat in it by the door all the time. It is most piteous, having had fortune, beauty, rank, and high spirits and nice children, and now to be hardly alive except in the brain. She is powerless to move and her head is continually agitated by a shaking palsy. Her state is said to be hopeless. Sayce is the great orientalist and has been a thorn in Max Muller's side (who has been long very ill, but is now better). Macalister started on Saturday as we did last week, early in the morning, for Baliana and Petrie. His wife and daughter were left behind to join him at Baliana this morning on their return steamer, but a telegram came yesterday to say that the steamer has broken down, so they are at sixes and sevens. There is nothing like an hotel at Baliana and Petrie's camp is a good seven miles off. How they will meet, I can't guess. A beautifully ornamental tomb, as fresh as if newly painted, has lately been got at here. It is not yet open to the public, the air inside ' A maid of many years' service at Rutland Gate. T Postscript added by Galton's great-niece, Eva Biggs.