OCR Rendition - approximate
Characterisation, especially by Letters 473 For my own part, one strong reason for suppressing the observatories and diverting the money saved to more pressing inquiries lies in the belief that hereafter it may become possible to note a greater variety of data-such as upper air currents, total humidity of a vertical column of air, some electrical facts, possibly by the captive balloon, and generally, data from the widee field of the now unknown. What we have recorded during these past years is such a very little bit of what we want to know .before we can understand the weather, that it seems a pity to prolong unnecessarily the present system-we might probably recommence 20 years hence on a much more favourable basis. Very sincerely yours, FRANcis GALTON. In 1884 Galton gave the Rede Lecture in the Senate House at Cambridge. Some account of this will be found in our Vol. ii, pp. 268-271. The impression formed on the mind of a competent critic is conveyed by the following post-card headed in Galton's handwriting "My Rede Lecture. Note by the Rev. G. F. Browne." You will have heard that you were admirably audible; I only hope I didn't overwork you. It was beyond measure (!) interesting and several of us have vowed that the thing shall be set going for undergraduates. G. F. B. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. September 25, 1884. DEAREST EMMA, The news of the pencil fills my heart with rejoicing. I dreamt an eventful dream last night of which the climax was that it was discovered in the pocket of my dressinggown, and awoke rejoining to tell Louisa;-and to ! it was a dream. I must never again wear it together with your door key. ' The two do not agree in the same pocket. The pencil case is flipped out by its great cuckoo half-brother, which hangs from the end of the watch-chain and is also stowed in the pocket of the waistcoat. This is the second time it has occurred ; I have been watchful since the first time, but now I look on the reconciliation of key and pencil case as impossible, and will hereafter carefully separate them lest they quarrel on the sly. I went to the British Museum to-day with my earthenware god Bess. Another, but I am happy to learn a smaller one of the same god, has just been discovered by Flinders Petrie in big excavations in the Delta. I have given mine to the British Museum. They are to give me three casts of it: one to bow down to in my own house as heretofore, the others for the archaeological collections of Oxford and Cambridge respectively. Then I produced the E. Darwin medallion, which was discussed in the medal room just as Lucy's coins were. They say it was by a Scotchman called Fassie, who made many fair medallion portraits about the end of last century in a paste of his own composition. There will not be the least difficulty in making plaster casts of it. They will make a mould and turn out as many as are wanted. I have ordered a batch and you and Bessy shall each have one ; also Mrs Oldenshaw (to whom I have sent a line) and Emma Wilmot. When the medallion comes back to me, I will take it both to S. Kensington and to Scharf at the National Portrait Gallery, to see if they also know anything about it. To-day has been a considerable scurry. Louisa will, I am sure, tell you about herself and Chepmell. She discussed six raw Whitstable "Natives" at dinner with considerable gusto (she was told by Chepmell to try oysters), but I fear the pain is not sparing her just at this moment (indeed it is not). I cannot sufficiently tell you, and it is needless for me to try to express what you know, how much we feel the sense of your affectionate kindness to us both. It comes so much as a matter of course and is received so much at the time in that way, that it looks as though we were not really half as conscious of it as we should be, but we are, and I am sure you know it. Milly is in a way about Eddy's* future, naturally enough. She has written such nice letters in answer to those we sent her; Baront clings to Edward's being sent to a private tutor and thence to Oxford, while she wants differently. Cyril will have been there by now and I am very curious to learn the result. Best loves to Bessy and the Moillietst. I wrote a paragraph at the Meteorological Office to-day about the little inquiry I had made there in reference to Edward:s foggy voyage. I dare say it may get quoted in some newspaper in a few days. Ever affectionately, F. GALTON. * Edward Galton Baron Lethbridge, now of Tregeare. t Mr J. C. Baron Lethbridge, Millicent Galton Lethbridge's husband. Francis Galton's second sister, Lucy Harriot Galton, married Mr James Moilliet. P G 111 60