OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Galton's Life 419 of Miss Augusta at this time, as she was invited to a succession of parties. The first four were official invitations given to ensure that each girl probationer should be made acquainted with an equal number of male probationers three or more years older in standing. The male probationers are divided more or less at random into two groups A and B, the females into F and G, then the four official invitations are to A and F, A and G, B and F, and B and G. They have an amusing old-fashioned method of grouping and re-grouping the guests at these entertainments, in order that each girl should have a full half hour of conversation with each young man. It approached merry-making and banished diffidence. It seems however that marriages between two newly made probationers are not particularly approved. It is thought best that the girls should marry young, say about 22 years of age, which admits of more than 4 generations being produced in each century. As for the men, they have to establish themselves in some occupation before they can support a wife, which cannot usually be done till nearly the age of thirty. Consequently many social gatherings are arranged to bring together young girl probationers and older unmarried men, also of the rank of probationers. Persons may fall in love in Kantsaywhere as they do in England, on grounds more or less unaccountable to others, but it is felt here that the best girls and the best men should have frequent opportunities of becoming friends and the earliest chance of falling in love with one another. " I was surprised to learn from the Calendar of the large extent of the College possessions in farms, houses, hostels, and funds, which were used to encourage early marriages among the most highly diplomaed ; I also perceived that the Collegiates must look upon themselves, as they did, as a great family community, out of which about one half of the members of each new generation were obliged to seek their living elsewhere, just as it usually happens in English families now. The Calendar contained the names of all who, since the date of the preceding edition, had either received marks exceeding + 70 or any special award. The record in the Calendar of their doings was minute. It corresponded in length to the paragraphs of Burke's or Debrett's Peerages, but differed totally from them by containing anthropological facts, and little else. It was a mine of information for inquirers into heredity, yet it was described as being only a brief abstract of what was preserved in MSS. in the records of the Registrar. " Tom had hinted to me that he thought his sister was slightly chagrined at her marks falling short -of one half of those required for the great honour of a College wedding. The number of names of the men amongst whom she must marry, in order to secure one, was very small, and could easily be found from the Calendar, I looked for them and found only twelve, some or all of whom might be already engaged. j'° The large property of the College consisted, first, of the original endowment, of which the income was now retained in England and had been accumulating during recent years to form an Emergency Fund. Secondly, of the fee simple of the district and of all the houses, etc., that had been erected on it since the beginning of the Settlement. Thirdly, of gifts and bequests from former Collegiates, in gratitude for their rearing and in payment for its cost. Fourthly, the annual Eugenic Rates from Kantsaywhere. The inhabitants submitted as cheerfully to as heavy p6 rate in support of the College, as we do for the support of our Fleet, namely three quarters of £1 per head of the population. We in England, numbering some 45 millions, contribute about 35 millions of pounds annually to the maintenance of our Navy. Here, the 10,000 inhabitants contribute £7,500 to the College, and could easily be persuaded to contribute more, if it were really needed. In very round numbers one half of the income from the last two sources, from gifts and from rates, goes to the Examining, Inspecting and Registering Departments, which together form the soul of the place. The other half goes to collegiates who really need help to enable them to give proper nurture to their large families. This is done very udiciously on the joint recommendations made to the Committee of Awards, by a Board of District Visitors in conjunction with the District Inspector. The Chief Medical Inspector is one of three High Officials, the Rector and the Registrar being the other two. These are elected by the Senate at its Annual General Meetings for a term of three years, and are re-eligible. The Senate consists of all resident Collegiates of either sex, who had gained at least 70 marks, or who are parents of children whose average marks exceed 70 and whose total marks exceed 200, and is the supreme Authority, but in quiet times, the above-mentioned three High Officials, together with a Council, annually elected at the General Meeting, manage matters very much in their own way. This constitution works very well on the whole, though with occasional jars, much as those which occur in our leading Scientific Societies at home. 53-2