OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Galton's Life 387 Laboratory, it must remain, as long as I had any share in the work, the Galton Laboratory; (ii) that the provision should take directions which would give greater scope to the future Calton Professor and not in any way anticipate that foundation, e.g. establishment of a permanent publication fund, annual grant for purchase of books, and increase of staff or accommodation for workers. In fact I told him what I have told the Americans, that "any contributions would be gratefully received," but that this work was going so far as it lay in my power to be associated with your name. I don't know that the University will do much for us-they did not succeed in doing much when I set about building the observatories-but there is no reason why they should not try. The fact that they did ask for money to help forward the work would to that extent be a sign that "Eugenics" had been finally accepted as a part of a University's work. Will you let me have your views, possibly in a form I could unofficially communicate to the Principal of the University? Affectionately, KARL PEARSON. 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W. June 28, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, Your letter was admirable, and I think will be helpful. The "accident" about the slip was that I forgot to put in a note about it ! I want a few words to express the idea that since Darwin we no longer look upon a "race" or "nation" as fixed in type or character, but as always in a state of change towards the better or worse, and that the statesman who realises this and works for the future will be the one whom history, which is ever written "in the future," will commend. I have expressed myself very clumsily, but I want some words to this effect to sum up my lecture on the Problem of Practical Eugenics, ics, and I thought perhaps you could give the paragraph a more apt phrasing.. Yours affectionately, KARL PEARSON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. June 28, 1909. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, It is grateful to me to hear from you that the University of London is so favourably disposed towards Eugenics as to consider the propriety of seeking aid to increase its utility. Such aid would be acceptable in the direction that has commended itself to you, namely to the establishment of a publication fund, an annual grant for purchase of books; and for an increase of -workers together with accommodation for them. Would you kindly convey these views, together with any others of your own, unofficially to the Principal? I may add that I have just sent to Hartog the promised cheque of £500 for the maintenance of the Laboratory next year. Affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. June 29, 1909. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, I wrote to Hartog to say that you and I were quite at one in respect to modifications in the status of the personnel of the Eugenics Laboratory (I forget the words I used, but they were to that effect) and explained to him that I was much too infirm to attend the Committee. As regards the last paragraph in your Report, as we have got (thanks to you) satisfactory workers at the Eugenics Laboratory one cannot do better than give more permanence to their positions than at present. If the funds allow, by all means include Miss Ryley on the Staff. In fixing the future titles and emoluments of Heron, Miss Elderton and Miss Barrington, if you can get in a word to absolve us from granting pensions on retirement, it might be well. I have known much grievance created on the part of those who had "expectations" in other Societies and Offices. For my part, I think it will be much more satisfactory to rearrange the titles of our officials, as you propose. I wonder what those titles will be, out of "Secretary," "Librarian," "Editor," "Computer," and so forth. Miss Elderton should if possible have a title to herself, and not "Assistant...." All this is merely suggestion. You know the ropes so far better than I do, that I am sure to acquiesce in whatever proposal you may make as to these not unimportant details. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. NYSTUEN, PAYABLES, WOODCOTE, NEAR READING. July 4, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, In the hustle of getting away, I could not write to thank you' for many things. I have -adopted most of your re-wordings for my sentence which are clearly "betterments." I am very glad the Eugenics Laboratory arrangements are settled for another year from February. I feel: that with the present staff we can do good work. The Laboratory 49-2