OCR Rendition - approximate
380 Life and Letters of Francis Galton Lady Welby is irrepressible in her inquiries. She was with us at Lyndhurst for more than a week, full of mystical triads, etc. and much else. Socially she is very charming and good. What painful lvidence you give of the modern tone of German feelings towards us innocents ! Wishing you all possible Easter pleasure and success. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. April 22, 1909. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, It has been a grief to me, that my doctor who has just been, will not allow me to go to the Royal Society this afternoon to hear your paper. We came up yesterday, a day earlier than intended, and stay in town till next Wednesday ! I write this to Hampstead not being sure of your present address. Affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. It did me good to read your solid writing in Biometrika about the mulattoes, etc. ICKENHAM, GREAT MISSENDEN, BUCKS. April 22, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, ...I have to thank you for a copy of the Eugenics Review. I heartily approve of the Foreword and your clear statement of the position of affairs. I think the review will stir people up and lead them to think about this all important matter. A good deal of the text is a little "thin," and some statements a bit misleading. For example, the penny-a-liner report of what Mr Gilbey said at the Police Court regarding the deaf-mute woman ought not to have been inserted without verification. The case, of which I have the full pedigree, is worse than appeared at the Police Court, but Mr Gilbey did not make the absurd statements attributed to him. He has been working so loyally to help the Eugenics Laboratory collect deaf-mute pedigrees, that I am sorry to see this stupid misstatement of one of the Id. papers reprinted, and hope he will not suppose us in any way responsible. I think the Journal will be a success and do good work the nearer it approaches the standard set by the Archiv f 4r Rassenbiologie, which I see noticed in their pages. But, of course, it would be hypercritical to expect that standard at first. I am returning to town on Monday, and send this to 42, Rutland Gate, as I do not know your present address. I trust that you are well, and in a warm district. I have been renewing many sad memories of W. F. R. W.'s and my early excursions and his pond dredgings on this side of the Chilterns in the first autumn of his Oxford life. Affectionately, K. P. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S. W. April 23, 1909. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, You will probably get this about the same time as one I wrote yesterday. The Doctor was quite right; when the time of meeting approached I felt quite unfit. My circulation is playing tricks. R. wrote me a long letter, not a word in it either about yourself or about Biometrika, but appealing for pecuniary help. Knowing that there must be some long story in the background I did not answer it, the more so as I do not see my way to do what he asks. The Eugenics Review is rather feeble, but may mend and I think will do so. I wonder if you noticed Crackanthorpe's blunder about improving the sight of hawks by breeding ! I have just come from a hawking district and am assured that hawks never breed in confinement, but are caught wild when young and trained afterwards, as elephants are. Thank you for what you tell me about Mr Gilbey. I shall see Mrs Gotto here this afternoon and will tell her. You speak of W. F. R.W.-how memories crowd upon us, unexpectedly. I do not leave here until Wednesday, if then, for I suspect the Doctor may be averse to the exertion of the change. Coming here tired me a good deal. I am most curious to read your paper of yesterday. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. ICKENHAM, GREAT MISSENDEN, BUCKS. April 24, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, I enclose two notices which you might miss. You shall have copies of my R.S. papers as soon as I have them. I have only seen a single proof of each; they do not appear to send round copies as of old to the author. I hope to have in a few days my lecture on the "Groundwork of Eugenics" for you. I hope you won't judge it too severely, as it had to be done in the pressure of term time and I was in much haste. Still, I think it fills a gap in Eugenic literature. If you are in Town may I come and see you, to-day, Saturday, week? I won't stay long, but I should like to see you after the winter absence, if I may, and you are not feeling too overdone. Affectionately, K. P.