OCR Rendition - approximate
376 Life and Letters of Francis Galton 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N. W. March 9, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCI{4 GALTON, I am extremely sorry you should have had this invalid time after your change, and rejoice that you are now able to come down again. The past fortnight has been very trying for one and all of us, and it is sad to find so many of one's young folk laid up. I have had two assistants down and many students-influenza as usual. I heard Heron to-day and, though he was very nervous, he did quite well and held his audience-one of about 45 to 50. He has a good delivery and will, I feel sure, become a first-class lecturer. He did not grow monotonous, and he had plenty of material and resource. Perhaps he might reiterate his points, as he makes them, a little more; it always helps a general audience to be told beforehand what is about to be proved, and to be told afterwards that such and such a point has been proved. But this omission is general with young lecturers, who do not know the density of the average human, and it is capable of easy correction. I must not write more now. Affectionately yours, KARL PEARSON. Hartog wrote to me about the Report for the year on the Eugenics Laboratory, saying that it ought if possible to be in this month. I have sent him some account of our work, suggesting that it should go to the Committee first. I have-I fear rather hurriedly-detailed what has been done, what is in the doing, and what possibly might be done as to staff, etc. I think when you come back to town, perhaps in May or so, it might be well to have a meeting of the Committee and discuss the future work, and if the Laboratory goes on, what line it should take. CROWN HOTEL, LYNDHURST. March 10, 1909. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, I hope to be fit in May (latish) to take part in the proposed meeting of the Committee to discuss future work of the Eugenics Laboratory. I feel that its work depends so largely on yourself, that I shrink from suggesting anything. You, not I, know what is feasible, and I bear in mind that you want, and may ask for and get, a complete holiday for a year or so. Whatever under the circumstances commends itself to you as the proper course to lay down, I am practically certain to agree to, but I should make a hash if I endeavoured to do so myself. How far can Heron and Miss Elderton stand alone? With your support and supervision they do their work admirably, but without it I should fear errors in planning. There are so very few besides yourself competent to supervise, and you may begin to feel the onus of doing so too great for continuance. Tell me, please, exactly what you think about this. I am very glad that Heron's lecture pleased you, and that you think so highly of his powers and promise. Miss Elderton (with her brother) has just concluded and sent me a typed copy of the elementary book that I proposed should be written (in my Oxford lecture). I have seen some parts of it already, and must go through it to-morrow. Excuse more now. Ever affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W. March 18, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, This is a line to say that Heron's second lecture went quite nicely. He discussed physical inheritance in man and dealt with attacks on your eye-colour data from the side of Davenport and Hurst, who assert that two true blue eyed parents always have blue eyed children. His audience was quite good and there were some new faces. My report on the Eugenics Laboratory was drawn up rather hastily, because Hartog said it must be in by February. Your kind letter as to the future of the Laboratory shall be replied to with a suggestion or two during the Easter vacation, so that you may have time to consider matters before the meeting in May. Now as to the Eldertons' booklet. I have not yet seen it ; it is something which they have done quite off their own bats, and I am very curious to read it. I think it would probably be quite an addition to our smaller format series and help that on, but I am not sure whether it would get the same sort of circulation that a well-known publisher would procure for it, as we spend very little on advertisement. We must consider that point. There is a stupidly hostile article on Eugenics in the Nation. I have got my Punch cupboard forced, and we are much pleased with the " Bull and the Earl." I think we must get an enlargement in sepia made for the Galton laboratory, so don't give it away as a crest for X. Did you get a copy of the Treasury, Parts I and II, last week? I should like to know if you would care for other copies, and also that you are not very disappointed with it. Yours affectionately, KARL PEARSON.