OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Galton's Life 371 learning at Rutland Gate that I was here, asked for instructions and was ordered to Dorking by the Manager. He had to walk 2 miles each way on a bitter evening and all for a paragraph. What hustlers Editors are ! 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W. February 4, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, I wrote to Hartog, the University Registrar, asking him to get Heron reappointed for a third final year, and Miss Elderton's scholarship also extended and raised to £-. I told him that you had been consulted on the point, and that you generally approved. It might be well for you to write a line to him to show that we have talked over the proposal. I have had a good deal of worry and delay over the Treasury of Human Inheritance. It is a gigantic task. I think the disease pedigrees alone run to thousands, mostly in out of the way journals and dissertations, not accessible in England. But I hope the experience of this first part will make the others easier, and get the contributors running smoothly in definite grooves. I had simply no idea of the amount of material that really exists nor of what this work may do to bring it to a focus ! Another point has been troubling me which I want to write to you about. Mrs Gotto has asked for Miss Elderton's and Heron's lectures for publication. I hope she will not think me churlish in feeling compelled to refuse. This refusal arises from more than one cause. Miss Elderton gave material and some results of work which is not yet finished, and which it is our duty to finish and publish in a form rather more academic than the publications of the Society. Heron not only gave work which he hopes shortly to publish in the Galton Laboratory Memoirs, but I gave him free run of my diagrams, some of which relate to work in progress, and of which it would not do to anticipate the publication. Neither had at the time thought of publication but only of interesting the Society in work in progress. I think you will see that it is not churlish, but practically desirable not to anticipate full publication. Affectionately, K. PEARSON. MEADOW COTTAGE, BROCKHAM GREEN, BETCHWORTH. February 6, 1909. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, I have written to Hartog about Heron and Miss Elderton adding that I suppose he will hardly think it necessary to summon a Committee, but that if he does I am too infirm to attend it. The Treasury will give great trouble to you, but you will, I hope, be able to divert a yet larger part of the office work to it. (I wonder if among the thousands of disease pedigrees you have included the important one given by Bedford Price, pp. 110-111 of the Report on the FeebleMinded..., Vol. I?) It is as you say, a gigantic work, especially at the outset. How I wish I could help; but I cannot, my working powers are now so small. It will never do to allow the Eugenics Education Society to anticipate and utilise the Eugenics Laboratory publications. I will write to Mrs Gotto about it. I have written a brief send-off to their forthcoming Review, in which I emphatically insist upon the difference between the work of the two classes of publication, that they are supplementary, and in no sense rivals. The Laboratory gives the foundation, the Society the superstructure. We leave here towards the end of the month; as at present arranged for Lyndhurst in the New Forest, but I will write further. I have got drawn into a publication about the Feeble-Minded, in which there are to be two collaborators, one being Sir E. Fry; if that falls through I retract also. In the meantime I have got all 8 vols. of the Report-a mighty mass of letterpress. Would it be acceptable and useful to the Library of the Eugenics Lab. if I sent it there when done with? I hope your " half-time " gives a sensible amount of relief. Ever affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. HAMPSTEAD. February 7, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, Thank you most heartily for your very sympathetic letter. I agree so wholly with what you say-there is need for the purely scientific research, and for propaganda. I feel that the former demands two essentials : we have got to convince not only 47-2