OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Galton's Life 305 I would suggest that Miss Elderton be no longer spoken of as a clerk, but be made a Francis Galton Scholar. She is quite capable of doing original work. I. should give her a little additional instruction in statistical methods, and set her on to research work either alone or in conjunction with Heron, so that her name would appear on the publication of it. I would further suggest that her stipend be raised. My reasons for this are as follows.... She is very competent* and is now fairly well trained, and it is very desirable that we should retain her services. She is keen on the work. Further, if we are to get really good workers, we must give them a method of insuring to some extent their future. Now to have published something and been a Francis Galton Scholar, not merely a clerk, will give Miss Elderton a better chance if she passes later into social work of any kind. It is most desirable that people trained in the Eugenics Laboratory should pass into work in publickr municipal service of some type, as in dealing with mental defectives or invalid children, etc. We shall thus develop into a training school for practical eugenic work. My next point is that the office should if possible have a paid computer. We cannot afford more than, I think, £- for this. We shall not get for this the services of a man, or the whole time of a first class woman....Miss Barrington is the only person I can think of who is thoroughly trained and who would possibly be willing to give three or four days a week to computing for the Office. You will,-perhaps, know her from her conjoint papers on inheritance in Greyhounds and Shorthorns. If we got her services, we should have a staff of three whowould push through a lot of work. I should suggest a continuous series of Eugenics Laboratory Publications. Even if we cannot publish an independent series, they should be published with continuous numbering and volumes of offprints made up and distributed to the Press to show the activity of the Laboratory. If the funds admit and there seems a possibility with the unexpended balance, an independent series of memoirs might be issued. ...Anyhow the important point is that, wherever and however published, there should be a single title "Eugenics Laboratory Publication No. -" and continuous numbering. I think the Eugenics Laboratory ought through its Fellow, and with our aid in the Biometric Laboratory, to give instruction and aid to students and research workers in Eugenics and on this account some more detailed entry should be made in the University Calendar and occasional advertisement's appear in one or two journals. Next as to the purchase of reports,, journals and books. I am very keen on the formation of a good library, and anything you get, pamphlet or book, that you would weed out of your own library pray turn over to the Eugenics Laboratory. Also it would be most valuable if you would send us the titles of any books or reports that we ought to look up. I shall certainly read Rentoul. As to the additional room in Gower Street: I have two rooms there adjacent to the present Eugenics Office and can give up one, at any rate until October, to the Laboratory, because Heron will want a room for himself. Please pardon the enormous length of this letter. Affectionately, KARL PEARSON. If you approve, we might send something like the enclosed scheme and explanation of it to Sir Arthur Riicker. Proposed Draft Scheme for the Francis Galton Laboratory
UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. The term National Eugenics is here defined as the study of the agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally. The Laboratory is at present established at No. 88, Gower Street, and the Staff consists of (i) The Francis Galton Research Fellow. (a) The Fellow is appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of a special Committee reporting through the Academic Council. (b) The value of the Fellowship is £- per annum; that it be tenable for one year in the first instance, and * The opinion of the first Galton Fellow may be cited here: "Miss Elderton has certainly been a remarkable success at the Eugenics Office; but I think her marvellous energy and quickness to learn anything new would have enabled her to succeed at anything she undertook." P e III 39