OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Galton's Life 301 7, WINDSOR TERRACE, THE HOE, PLYMOUTH. Nov. 29, 1906. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, I have now heard all I wanted to hear about the bequest. As mentioned, I enclosed the draft in a "private and confidential" letter to Hartog. He answered with full-approval and with that of Rocker and wished to show it also to the V.Ch., but Sir Edw. Busk was out of town. He has since seen it, made some minor but important suggestions,, and I will now send it to my lawyer to draw it fully out in duplicate for a final review before incorporating it as a Codicil. It is so important that it deserves this trouble. I am most desirous to learn the conclusions of your Oxford meeting. The Times had no reference to it. Now about the immediate future of the Fellowship. I quite agree with all you say about A. When I wrote I did not understand the importance to him of a D.Sc. All that I wished to convey was that if he were, to go in for Eugenics he ought not to give too much time as a diversion, so to speak, to pure mathematics to which, I dare say, his heart turns. I did not know of your Library at University College and had for the moment forgotten the Foxwell Library. What steps must be taken to secure a Fellow, or two Students, etc., to succeed Schuster? I must wholly turn to you to represent me in this matter as I said before, and will write to-day to Hartog-to tell him- so. It is very good indeed of you to undertake the work for a year or 18 months; betterr the latter, as it will carry on to Mid-summer when I am much more likely to be serviceable, if wanted, than in winter. See P.S. to this letter and please read the enclosed to Hartog and forward it with any remarks of your own. I feel the want of congenial talk now, but as Plymouth is not London must make up my mind accordingly. I look forward to the Report of Rayleigh's Presidential Address on the 30th. Do you know of an apparently very striking Report of the Inspector of Inebriates to the effect that they are naturally degenerates and near insanity, and that the women have huge families? There was an Abstract of the Report in a Devonshire newspaper. I have written for the Report itself. Also, has the Japanese, K. Toyama, sent you his elaborate Mendelian experiments on Silkworms? Ever affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. P.S. I may as well quote from Hartog's letter of Nov. 14: "I think that the Senate could have no objection whatever to the Association of the work with the Biometric Department under Prof. Pearson whose guidance will, as you say, be of very great value." - 7, WINDSOR TERRACE, THE HOE, PLYMOUTH. Dec. 4, 1906. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, Biometrika reached me yesterday and I have read with the fullest appreciation your excellent and affectionate memoir of Weldon. It appears to me a model memoir, so well proportioned and so graphic. One sees in every page the great care you have taken. It is a worthy monument to a life prematurely closed. If he could only have written more of his book on Heredity! He was so familiar with such a mass of biological facts. I return Prof. Turner's letter, and have written to him in aid of what he wants in respect to B., giving such help as I can. I wish him every success. I grieve to, gather from Turner's letter that besides all your other worries and the 'flu, there has been the illness of one of your 'children. Enclosed is my lawyer's draft of the Codicil. I should be most obliged if you would look it over and pencil- any suggestions you think proper upon it, and return it to me. I will then re-consider it and send it (a clean copy) to Hartog. It grieves me to add this straw to your over _heavy load. I quite agree with you about offering the bust to Hope Pinker too make for £250. Ever affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 7, WINDSOR TERRACE, THE HOE, PLYMOUTH. Dec. 6, 1906. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, Let me begin by saying how interested I am in the new Biometrika,-and-having plunged into your Intelligence paper got myself into a desire to work out the classes on the Centile principle, and hope to send the results to-morrow. Alas, I work so slowly now ! You will have some day to discuss the slowing down of all functions with age.