OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Galton's_ Life 285 Galton next expressed his desire that the medal should be associated with Biometrika and suggested how this might be done. To this idea, I was strongly opposed ; it would not have attracted outside support and sympathy, the journal might cease to exist, its vitality was not then fully established, and there would be no trustees for the fund. With Galton's gift the medal was assured ; I had no doubt that the remaining sum needful would be forthcoming from Weldon's personal friends, and there was no occasion to make a broad appeal to the three universities. It was possible to stress the international character of the medal, which I had much at heart. Please at this present stage, consider nothing of the above as final. I only put it forward in the form that now occurs to me which would doubtless be much improved by your and other criticism. Pray give it freely. To-morrow I go out of Town for three nights so excuse me if I miss a post or two; my letters will be forwarded, of course. Enclosed I return your draft. With all good wishes for the final success of the plan. Ever very sincerely, FRANCIS GALTON. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. May 28, 1906. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, Yesterday I was looking at a letter from the Weldon series, dealing with the foundation of Biometrika. I had just written to tell him that the complete guarantee fund. was forthcoming, and the journal could really start. He begins "Dear good old Galton, dear good old everybody," and that is somehow just how I feel, when I write now to you ! This is not an answer to your letter because I want to think it over and reword my original proposals, but I feel quite certain that the annual medal you suggest would not only be invaluable as an inducement to men to strive their best for biometric research, but would indirectly produce some good papers for our journal. I quite agree that it should be open to sociological as well as purely zoological inquiry. I will write again in a few days. My heart is very full just now. We have had Mrs Weldon with us for two days going through papers and letters. I am beginning to see the lines of my memoir a little better. Affectionately yours, KARL PEARSON. P. S. I am not at all sure that it would not be of great value in the future to publish some at least of Weldon's letters. They are full of suggestion for research, and represent his scientific spirit far more effectively than his published papers. [Undated, but early June, 1906.] MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, Many thanks to Miss Biggs for all the trouble she has taken in hunting up those letters from Weldon, and you for letting me read them. You need not fear any criticism of my work by him will influence me. Our friendship had gone through the fire and nothing could modify my judgment or affection now. But this is a hard week, I have been at Oxford sorting papers for three days, and I have brought the memoir down to the early biometric papers. I will send the result to you soon. It is hard now to distinguish exactly what was yours and what was his, but I don't think you will feel hurt if I have not always put the praise where it should be. It is easier to praise the dead than the living. Please just stick to your life, till mine is gone; I can't do all this again. It is the fourth time I have had to throw all my energy into a dead man's papers and work, and three times the man has been so to speak a part of my own life. How can one tell the tale? Affectionately yours, KARL PEARSON. 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W. June 28, 1906. MY DEAR FRAY7CIS GALTON, A good and a bad piece of news. In the first place another anonymous donor wishes to add a second £- Consols to yours. This is good because we might hope the fund would go up eventually to £1000 and this would be very good indeed. In the next place I wrote to Lord Rayleigh asking him whether he thought it at all likely that the R.S. would consent to act as trustees of a Weldon medal and premium for biometric