OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Galton's Life 249 before him on evidence that the hats of stablemen were markedly smaller than those of other people. He inferred that they were less intelligent; I, that stablemen are always light weights (in youth). A heavy boy would not do to exercise horses. Another of my 5 or 6 large heads was Admiral Sherard Osborn. He was very broadset. Also he was considered generally to be the ablest man of his day in the Navy and the accepted mouth-piece of reform. (He died of heart spasm while still young.) I have been quite bad, this is by far the longest letter I have been up to for many days. I went to Brighton to shake off remains of bronchitis and brought it back increased 7-fold. What with phlegm and spasm I had a fight for it on Xmas Day, but am now mending fast. I dare not write more now or would have said something on Macdonell's paper. I wish he had seen his way to express the magnitude of the advantages of scattering the arrangement of the Register. One good reason for beginning with the head is that a criminal must have a head, but he need not have a finger or an arm-and these may be contracted. E. R. Henry, who is now supreme over the identification department in Scotland Yard, is reclassifying the whole collection, primarily by finger-prints and secondarily only by measurements. He looks forward to abolishing measurements entirely in England, as he did in Bengal, stating that errors are more frequent than Garson thought and that they shield the culprit, whereas finger-prints cannot err. I think he overdoes the view, rather, but this is his attitude and he has the power to carry out his views. I was much pleased with the order and smartness he has imposed on the office. Garson's connection with it has entirely closed. He, unluckily for himself, took up a critical position towards Henry, who being his superior and a smart dis=ciplinarian, would have none of it. If Dr Macdonell induces that vainest of men, Alphonse Bertillon, to remodel his cabinet it will indeed be a marvel. I must rest now, with every good wish for you this coming year and for Biometrika. Very sincerely yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S. W. Nov. 2 (Sunday), 1902. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, I am just off to France, arriving on Wed. the 5th at Hotel Continental-Hyeres (Var) France and staying there a week certain, afterwards according to health and weather. I will thence write again. Don't post any thing to me there later than on Saturday next the 8th. I fear it would be too risky to send Beddoe's paper, of which you spoke. Your proof, that of your latest paper which you kindly sent me, goes with me. What fertility of mathematical invention you have! I have recently attacked the finger-print problem (of natural relationship between the various patterns) in quite a new way (no mathematics in it, however), ,with most promising results thus far. It would be tedious to explain, but it will give me a couple of months happy occupation while abroad at the rate of 3 hrs. a day which is now my maximum of safe performance. Good-bye, Very sincerely yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N. W. November 21, 1902. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, I have been hoping to hear your address so that I might send you a line of satisfaction with regard to the Darwin Medal. But as you must have left Hyeres, and as I do not know how to reach you in Sicily, I send this via Rutland Gate. It seems absurd for me to congratulate you! I can only just say what I said to Weldon when he announced the gift of the medal to me four years ago : "Francis Galton ought to have been given it, not I." To which he replied : "To you it means encouragement to go on, to him recognition of the achieved, which everybody already recognises."... "You get honour from the medal, he would give it honour"-or words to that effect. So it seems also to me that your receiving the medal will make it of greater value to younger recipients, but hardly give you that recognition which helps younger men with their work little known. I may write this now, for the fact that I received the medal four years ago has always had the feeling associated with it, that you ought to have received it long before I did. I trust, however, it may still give you pleasure, and for myself I can only say how it enhances the value of my own. I hope you have been having fair weather and maintained your health. You will have been lucky to escape the last ten days-the worst November I remember. Dr Beddoe has not yet sent me his article. I hope to have Vol. I. Part II wholly in type soon. Please remember me to Miss Biggs, and Believe me, Yours always sincerely, KARL PEARSON. P O III 32