OCR Rendition - approximate
Personal Identification and Description 197 Nath Banerji, who had impressed his fingers in 1892 afresh, was the same man who had impressed them on Deed No. 28 in 18781 We reproduce Galton's Plate II, Plate III left-hand side, Plate IV left-hand side (see our Plate XIX) ; Plate VI and Plate VIII (see our Plate XX) ; Plate X and Plate XII (see our Plate XXI); Plate XIV and Plate XVI (see our Plate XXII). These plates form the best-a graphical-illustration of Galton's methods. On pp. 17-18, we have some useful suggestions as to enlarging finger-prints, but such work is now much more generally understood and accurately done than in 1892. Galton's two enlarging cameras are in the possession of the Galton Laboratory (see our p. 215). Our Author concludes with the following remarks "Photographic enlargements save a great deal of petty trouble. It is far easier to deal exhaustively with them than it is with actual impressions viewed under a magnifying glass. In the latter case, a few marked correspondences, or the reverse, can readily be picked out, and perhaps noted by the prick of a fine needle, the point of a pin being much too coarse. It is thus easy to make out whether a suspicious print deserves the trouble of photographic enlargement, but without previous enlargement a thorough comparison between two prints is difficult even to an expert, and no average juryman could be expected to make it." (p. 18.) The Second Attempt at Indexing Finger-Prints. Galton provided another Finger-Print Index to 100 persons in July 1894. It is entitled "PHYSICAL INDEX to 100 persons on their measures and finger-prints (set up in two parts as an experiment)." Here the two parts consist : first, of an index based primarily on five measurements as in bertillonage, and secondarily on fingerprints; and again of an index based primarily on finger-prints, and secondarily on the five measurements. I cannot find that this index was ever published although it appears to have been printed, stereotyped and circulated among Galton's friends and correspondents. It possesses in arrangement greater brevity than that of the Finger Print Directories of the following year, and yet gives more information since the anthropometric measurements and certain other data are included. The whole space occupied by any entry is 36 x 17 mm., and Galton considers that, if the entries were cut up and pasted on to cards, "a cabinet of 27 broad and shallow drawers measuring, over all, less than 12 inches in height and 41 feet in width, would contain more than 100,000 of these small cards arranged as a catalogue." Each entry or label consists of four lines (see table on p. 198). In the first line on the left is the anthropometric formula, on the right the finger= print formula. These are the bases on which the indices of Part I and Part II respectively are formed, the entries being made in order of letters and numbers in the formulae taken in consecutive order. The second line gives the five anthropometric measurements in the order from left to right of (i head length, (ii) head breadth, (iii) extreme breadth between cheek bones, iv) length of left cubit, (v) length of left middle finger. To obtain the anthropometric formula, these are divided into a, 1, w, which signify short, medium, long. The medium limits are for (i) 191 to 196,