OCR Rendition - approximate
The Reawake-ning : Scientific Exfloration 241 I should very much like to hear something about your brothers Darwin and Erasmus : I very distinctly remember a pleasant visit at the Iarches, Heaven knows, how many years ago, and having many rides with them on ponies, without stirrups. The only member of your family whom I have seen for years, is Emma, who gave myself and wife a very cordial greeting at the British Association at Birmingham, some few years ago. I do not know, whether I ought not to apologise for troubling you with this note, but the spirit which makes me write, must be my excuse. Pray believe me, Yours sincerely, C. DARWIN. In the summer of 1852 (June 14) Galton wrote a letter to the Royal Geographical Society urging the want of proper instruments for travellers, and we note therein the development of his interest in the study of the art of travel, to which we must return later. But he needed rest and he appears to have suffered from low fever, which was not completely dispelled by a yachting tour with Sir Hyde Parker to Scotland and Norway. The winter was therefore spent at Dover, his mother and sister Emma nursing him. Here at a Twelfth Night party in 1853 Galton Met for the first time Miss Louisa Butler. Early in March Miss Emily Butler writing to her brother A. G. Butler reports that "the lion-killer certainly seems smitten." Galton returned in March and Miss Butler in April to London, where they again met, went together to the Crystal Palace, and returned engaged. On the dayApril 27 -of Miss Butler's return to Peterborough, Galton finished his Tropical South Africa; three days later the Dean, her father, died suddenly at luncheon, and Francis Galton arrived the same evening to look only on the dead face of the man, who should have welcomed his daughter's future husband. There is little doubt that this sad initiation bound with unusual closeness the links between Galton and his wife's family. Only one other characteristic picture of the Galton of these days has reached my hands. It is again in a letter of Miss Emily Butler to her brother of May, 1853. " Mr Galton's book is very jolly, and gives one a high idea of his resolve and prudence; the latter quality is so strongly developed that he has to have hats made for him ! He has got such a line medal from the R. G. S. When it was given him, the President said very fine things of him, but regretted that so spirited an adventurer was going to be spoilt and married. Mr G. says it was very well put or he would have thrown the decanter at the worthy President. P. G. 31