OCR Rendition - approximate
238 Life and Letters of Francis Galton thus fairly made out a road perfectly practicable in the rainy season from Walfisch Bay to the Lake, and what is more I have thoroughly identified the river that runs to the North of the Ovampo with one that runs out of the west corner of the Lake, and which very likely will before long, prove a highway to the interior.-Andersson will go to the Lake next April. A posse of missionaries will go to the North about the same time, so that discovery hereabouts will still be going on. This coast is the only one by which a practicable communication with the interior can be made-and I expect that before long it will prove of much importance. I have got a little ivory, about 300 lbs. weight. It will depend a good deal on the letters I receive, whether I go straight home hence or not. But I have had almost enough of knocking about, and should much like a little civilized life and a bed to sleep in. We have all had excellent health. It is now nearly two years since I have heard anything of any description whatever from home, so that I am getting very anxious for my letters. I wonder if you have received any of mine. I wrote in Feby. and in Augst. 1851. St Helena is now my first point, it may be even 3 months before I am there, though I hope it will be much sooner. I will write my next letter from thence. Goodbye now, with my best love or regards to every relation, connection or friend. Believe me ever Yr. Affectionate son, F. GALTON. EMMA SCHOONER, EN ROUTE TO ST HELENA. Janry. 8th, 1852. DEAREST MOTHER, Thank Heavens I am safe away from the Savages, in better health and all that, than I think I have ever been. We are just half way from Africa to St Helena where I trust that we shall arrive in less than 5 days. I write this to be posted as soon as I land there, though I myself shall stop a little to get what information I can upon some points that interest me a great deal from the niggers. I was most delighted when this vessel hove in sight at Walfisch Bay where I had been stopping for a month waiting here, and considerably in doubt whether or no, she would have brought me my letters &c. from Cape Town. All however turned out right, and a flue packet of letters and newspapers made their appearance, being the first news of any description that I had received from home since leaving Plymouth Dockyard, and most thankful was I, that all of you at home were in the same good health as when I left you. Many happy new years to you all. Poor Hallam' 1 I feel as much grieved at his death as if I had lost a near relation, it makes a sad blank among my oldest friends. Walfisch Bay usually quite deserted, has been thrown into the greatest excitement by no less than 5 Vessels-3 of which where Whalers and one a man of War brig, coming in whilst I was there. I was in a nicely ragged state to pay my respects on board the Brig, but was most hospitably received. It was the "Grecian," Captn. Keane, who knew all the Howards and who wa$ most civil. There had been a rumour that gunpowder was intended to be taken overland to the Kaffirs from there and she came down to reconnoitre I of course was able to give all information as to how it could be stopped, &c., if any arrived, and sent letters to the Native Chiefs telling them to stop the waggons if any came &c. I have brought these gentlemen into a considerable fear of me, Heaven knows how, but principally by bullying them. They made me their umpire in all weighty questions and do anything for me. Only think of the Chief one amongst ' Galton's friend Henry Hallam had died.