OCR Rendition - approximate
230 Life and Letters of Francis Galton Galton's influence not only over Jonker, but over Cornelius, Swartboy and Amiral, was marked, and it is characteristic of the man that but little of it is manifested in his published book. The whole episode of his attempt to establish order in Namaqua and Damaralands must be studied in the MS. notebooks. The following is the bare account which reached the press of that day of Galton's proceedings. CAPE NEWSPAPER. 22nd August, 1851. Mr Galton's Expedition. Letters have been received from the enterprising traveller Mr Galton who our readers will remember started for the Great Lake via Walfisch Bay in September last. Mr Galton writes, under date the 1st March from Lat. 22° South, Long. 10° 49' East. Mr Galton arrived in the Damara Country in October, he reports constant fighting and wars of reprisals between the Damaras and the Namaquas, which commenced 4 years ago but had lately increased in ferocity and extent; Jonker Afrikaner being a principal mover. The destruction of the village of Damaras, gathered around Mr Kolbe's mission station reported in the papers at the time, and the purchase of plundered cattle by white men, had led to difficulties in the way of Mr Galton's progress, and to the prospects of commerce. Mr Galton, on his arrival in that country wrote to Jonker Afrikaner, acquainting him with the instruction he had received from the Governor to establish friendly relations with the native tribes on the route to Lake Ngami, with a view to prepare a. way for future commerce and to warn them against any attempts to dispossess them of their country ; and intimating the displeasure of the British Governor at the oppression of the other tribes by the Namaquas. Jonker's answer was delayed a month and was unsatisfactory, and Mr Galton then rode straight to him with an escort of only three followers, and succeeded in thoroughly alarming him. He made Jonker write a most ample acknowledgment of his wrong to Mr Kolbe ; and advised him also to make the same acknowledgment to the British Governor, which he did, and sent it by a messenger forthwith to the colony. Mr Galton also made Jonker send for a neighbouring captain of the red people, and made him also solemnly undertake to leave off oppressing the Damaras, and wrote out a few simple laws to meet cases of cattle stealing, which were cordially agreed to. One of these laws provided for the equal punishment of Namaquas with that of Damaras for stealing. Some of their own disputes were also voluntarily referred to Mr Galton as umpire. Mr Galton has received much valuable and interesting information respecting the transactions in that part of the country for some years past, from the diary of Mr Hahn, the longest resident missionary among the Damaras. Mr Galton, at the date of his letters, was to start for the interior in two days, but intimates his intention of returning that way in about six months. A considerable impression has been made on the native minds by Mr Galton's visit, and a way appears to be prepared for the progress of European commerce and civilisation in that direction at no very distant period : but very much will depend on the conduct of those here, who hereafter attempt to open out further relations with the natives. We. shall endeavour to procure for our readers if possible, further details of these most interesting communications.