OCR Rendition - approximate
224 Life and Letters of Francis Galton just in time to receive it only slantingly, so that the skin was not broken. All this breaking work my new man Hans, under Andersson's management did. Of the three men who were chiefly mutinous and who also were convicted of stealing, one went away, and Andersson flogged the two others most severely-and with the best effect-and now everybody works well and willingly. Waggons and all are brought here, and we shall soon start. The murdering and stealing of the Namaquas against the Damaras is horrible, they cut off the hands and feet to get the iron bracelets. About 25 thousand head of cattle have just been stolen. I have been diplomatising, in pursuance of my instructions, but with very little effect, and must now push my way between all these ruffians. The only fear I have is of the oxen being stolen at night, when we should have to walk, which is very severe work in this weather, but go I will, and we are strong enough to astonish a great number of the natives, if we blaze at them. -My remaining horse and 3 mules have died of the horse distemper. I have now 5 mules and 51 Oxen. My cart I shall leave behind as it is hardly strong enough. Andersson went down to fetch the waggons with most of the men and shot a rhinoceros-but there is very little game, and now, as I have to hunt entirely on foot, I seldom go out, it is no joke in this weather. I have picked up a little of the Ovaherero language, which is spoken most extensively I find. I go northwards and shall thence probably get a letter to you, through the Portuguese. Every step now is exploring. The season is now unfortunately at its dryest, but I think I shall -get on. Ten days journey to the North, will put me beyond all desert and among kindly negroes who garden and plant. My black man speaks very fairly the language, it is so like to his own. Where I shall next be heard of, if not through the Portuguese, I can give you no idea. I have of course received no letter whatever from England, since I left it. This goes by a kind of clubbed up post, from Missionary Station to Station. The map I sent you, turns out to be simply traced from an English map made by a theorising map maker, which the Missionary had.-He adopted the outline, just to put in what he conceived to be the positions of the Stations and for no other purpose. It is therefore totally valueless. You know I write this letter to all the family. It is quite a round robin-and therefore I send no special message to anybody. Andersson desires particularly everything civil, &c., &c., it's a long message but I have no room for it.-Ever most affectionately, FRANK GALTON. Lat. 22.7, Long. 17. Dec. 5, 1850. MY DEAR CAMPBELL', We have been now three months among the 'savages and I find an opportunity of sending letters by clubbing together with some missionaries on the road. The letter will have a three months land journey to make to get to the Cape so that in England it will give rather antiquated intelligence. I like the work amazingly although we have had some real hardship. It is a curious feeling the being really weak from starvation, and I have had the pleasure of experiencing it more than once, but then it is such a luxury to get something to eat that all taken together leaves nothing to complain. Once six lions came down and ate part of my favourite horse and my nicest mule; we had to live on the rest for some time, the meat was tough but strengthening. Another time we were sadly off when to my delight I saw great tracks quite fresh, as broad as a plate, of a cameleopard and we encamped after we had shot him near his carcass and lived like wolves upon him. It is a barren country hereabouts. I must ' The Hon. W. F. Campbell, M.P., afterwards Lord Campbell.