OCR Rendition - approximate
Lehrjahre and Wanderjahre 141 attractiveness of manner, with a love of harmless banter and paradox " ; F. Campbell', who set for himself " an ideal of public life too high for his powers" yet who had a disposition unalloyed by pettiness, and when consulted about difficulties " put things in fresh lights, and always with noble intent " ; Johnson' of King's, the active member of the Epigram Club-of which more anon ; Maine3 of Pembroke, one of the few men as thoroughly at home in Trinity as in his own college ; Kay, the idler of the staircase, but the effective man in later life ; Charles Buxton, with none of the exceptional brilliancy of the others but with " manly virtues and as much common sense as was consistent with a charming dash of originality"; W. G. Clark -who like many men gave promise of high achievement, but failed to fulfil, and could but sing "Truly there's something wanting in the world" ; Mathew Boulton, the boy known from the old school and from home (see p. 77), and the relative, Cousin Theodore-, to complete the circle. Galton tells us of these friends' in his Memories (pp. 65-70) with a few brief lines of characterisation.. Surely they are not more his friends than our own? Are they not types that we ourselves have known thirty to forty years after Galton ? types which, under other names, yet haunt to-day, thirty and more years later still, the old staircases, and even now assemble to express in new language the old dreams and ever new ambitions round the ancient fireplaces, where they seem to our generation intruders, and where we seem to them shadows of a profitless past, which they dismiss as mid-Victorian Galton knew and loved his Cambridge right well ; it gave him friends and some mental training. He appreciated the thoroughness of its I Afterward Lord Campbell ; he was son of the Chancellor. 2 William Johnson Cory, the Eton master. 3 Afterwards Sir Henry Maine. Among Galton's personalia I have come across Maine's undergraduate visiting card. 4 Public Orator of the University and Vice-Master of Trinity College. - Theodore Howard Galton, see Pedigree Plate A. 6 They were, apart from degree standard, in many respects a brilliant group. Maine in 1842, Johnson in 1843, won the Chancellor's English Medal; Clark got the Porson in 1843, and the Greek Ode in 1842 and 1843, and the Epigrams in 1842 ; Maine the Latin Ode in 1842 and 1843 and the Epigrams in 1843, and the Camden in 1842; M. Boulton the Epigrams in 1841; Johnson the Camden in 1844. Maine got the Craven in 1843, Johnson in 1844, Maine and Clark the Chancellor's Classical Medals in 1844 and Hallam got them in 1846.