OCR Rendition - approximate
Lehrjahre and Wanderjahre 135 and the same strong impression received that the race of men from the Neckar to the Danube must be the happiest population on earth ! But if the Wanderlust grips a man, he runs grave risk of never settling down again in this life; it is one of the fascinating features of Galton's career, that with all the means and tastes 'to become a wanderer, he yet settled down:-after fourteen years-to steady scientific work. Might it not well have been a case of "What's become of Waring Since he gave us all the slip, Chose land-travel or seafaring, Boots and chest or staff and scrip, Rather than pace up and down Any longer London town?" From Buda Pest Francis Galton writes to his father for a remittance to place him on the safe side on his journey home "Would you therefore send me to Trieste £15 ; if the correct way of sending- it be, in letters of credit please make them payable at several of• the places about there, Venice especially. Should you, however, have disinherited me or forbidden . my reading mathematics or some equally severe punishment, then please send duplicates of that letter to Malta, Syra, Athens etc., etc., because after that I have read one of them I shall `be sure not to enquire after the others, and they will so amuse the'postmasters. Well here I am in the most Hungarian town of Hungary, and-already fully entitled to the Travellers' Club. "There is such a capital specimen of an Hungarian opposite that I must scetch (sic!] him. The hair and mustachios are no exaggeration [sketch of the Hungarian]. I never fully understood what a hot day was till I came here, in truth sight seeing opens the mind and the perspiratory pores also. The water that I drink oozes through as fast as through a patent filtering machine. I must really invest in a parasol to-day, the heat at midday is _absolutely awful. This morning. I actually saw a' live cow not, half-roasted, but really and- truly quite dun. I have got a mosquito net of which I shall find the full benefit, shortly, about Skela Gladova (pronounced Skela Gladova). A water coat pea-coat is the greatest comfort imaginable. Yesterday 'in. a storm of rain on the river, which by the bye was much more violent than any Scotch storms, and which looked just as in the scetch [sic l], I coolly' posted myself on the .top .of the paddle box, looking quietly and comfortably with my hands in my pocket at the poor miserable-looking passengers for whom there was not room in the cabin and who umbrellas being useless, posted themselves as well as they could under the tarpaulin, their exposed parts suffering considerably. I was considered a maniac or-.something ,like it, but two or three Newfoundland-dog-like shakes es made my peacoat half dry, and not an atom of rain had gone through, it In 11 days more. I am in. Istamboul, hurrah ! I remember a bit of advice of Darwin's when I was climbing up a ladder_ to; the cistern in the yard at the .Larches;-not to look down, but only upwards and r see what was left to be climbed ; just so with my present tour. I fancy myself not.mueh farther than Belgium, quite at home and only calculate what I have to do."