OCR Rendition - approximate
Lehrjahre and Wanderjahre 125 Cambridge-yet an increase of 6 weeks would give me abundance. Secondly, I have already been the cause of so much expense that I Nave made up my mind not to incur a greater. I called upon Leonard Horner to tell him what I had determined, and to thank him for having made enquiries for a companion, but he was not at home, nor expected till the middle of next month ; so I should be obliged if you would write to him. The cause of the cheapness of the envelopes is this-The stationer who sells them has an advertising sheet printed on their inside, which of course will enable him to sell them at a great reduction. This man has, however, not found them to answer, as be has no more, but I hear that they are to be got for 8d. the dozen. I will make enquiries. I call to-morrow on the Huberts. I have not had time owing to Hospital engagements. Everything, including accounts, getting on flourishly. There will be very near play whoever gets the prize for Forensic Medicine. I do not make myself sure of it. Good bye. Your affectionate Son, ERAS. GALTON." In his next letter (June 29) Francis tells his father that he fully understands and appreciates his arguments about the money : " I am most obliged to you for your liberality ; however I' think that for many reasons, I had better give up Norway and Sweden and go elsewhere." He suggests a month in Paris, boarding in a family who don't understand a word of English cc a large family, as good a class df life as possible-and the most complete innocence of anything like the knowledge of the English language. In case of several equally qualified that those who can talk the most gossip be the chosen ones. This will explain my taste pretty well,-of course if the daughters are comely-why tang gagne." FRIDAY, 10th (I think), 1840, 17 NEW ST., SPRING GARDENS, LONDON. MY DEAR FATHER, Thanks for your unanswered letters-that one which you wrote to Paris really was a perfect specimen of English composition-bad it been a will and had £50,000 a year depended on it, I am sure a lawyer could not have picked a flaw in it. ...Everything gets on capitally, especially accounts. When I want to know if I have any coppers in my pocket to give to a begging crossing sweeper I do not condescend to feel but pull out my pocket-book add up and the result is sure to be correct. I shall want some more money, not enough though for the Paris expedition, as I propose to come to you at home first-then Rassyl, and then Paris. Shall I send you my account book or an extract? [Here follow accounts.] ' Erasmus Galton, who had given up the Navy and settled down to farm a Loxton. Darwin Galton was farming at .Claverdon.