OCR Rendition - approximate
Lehrjahre and Wanderjahre 123 projected journey. But his letter a week later to his father shows Francis still wholeheartedly for the Norwegian tour. June 15, 1840, 17 NEW ST., SPRING GARDENS. DEAR FATHER, Thanks innumerable for intended tour and for book order. [There follows an explanation as to non-acknowledgement of a remittance.] I have just received from Leonard Horner a report "On the Employment of Children in Factories and other Works," to be transmitted to you by the next opportunity. N.B. Though I know that an opportunity won't present itself, I write to ask what I am to do, that I may have time to read it before your answer comes. Now acting life to the maxim of business first and pleasure arter'ards-and having pitched into business, here goes for pleasure-about my tour, I mentioned 70 days, though I believe that 50 days will do, just to take the outside, as, in case of a good wind and in case of a boat sailing that way when at Trondheim, why I may just as well go to the Lofoden Isles, which rise several thousands of feet bolt upright from the water's edge and are superb-and besides close to them is the Malstrom. My chief expenses are in getting to Norway and back, when in the country they are but slight and will be much less with a companion. I shall be free in the 3rd week of July. Poor Dil-when will she be buried? How is your asthma? Your affect. son, FRAs. GALTON. The next few letters are chiefly occupied with the distressing subject of accounts. After giving details of his expenditure, which are chiefly of interest for us as showing the nature of Francis's occupations-two botanical excursions with Professor Lindley, two visits to the Opera, etc.-Francis continues (June 16) `° I own that I have not kept my accounts, especially my Paris ones, at all carefully. I have generally set my expenses down, but on scraps of papers and consequently lost them afterwards from carelessness. I do not think that I have wasted any money, though I doubt if I could account for all. I am sure that I could not accurately1 don't owe anything except 32 shillings for a pair of boots and I cannot get the bill. My present riches are £14. 8s. I shall have to get a frock coat and waistcoat. The frock coat being the 3rd that I have had in London. As my journey to Norway and Sweden can scarcely be less than £50, I shall not grumble at giving it up `in toto,' but am quite ready to do so. I expect a good row from you by return of post, and as I deserve it, am resigned. And now having to the letter followed the example of our Ministers, and when the Budget must come, having made a clean breast of it-what is to be done 7 It 1 His cousin Diana Galton, daughter of Hubert Galton. Emma Galton, who had been staying with the Gurneys, writes on June 7 of the grave illness of Diana. 16-2