OCR Rendition - approximate
Lehrjahre and Wanderjahre 113 moustachios, evidently part and parcel of Capt. Sayers. However nobody spoke a word and I fell fast asleep as usual, but before arriving at Coventry we found out that we each had to wait till y past 12 for trains, he for _the Birmingham and myself for the London train. So there being no coffee room we took the same sitting room and chatted away, balls, etc., etc., he complimented yours very much. He is a great African traveller ; wears a beard, which he showed me, down to his waist and which he hides under his shirt and stock and sports it in travelling and in fancy dress balls. He showed me how to make a turban of my plaid, etc., etc., and was most agreeable. Set off for London at 121. Got there 5J-Victoria Hotel-and am now at Partridge's. Good bye. Loves, etc., FRAS. GALTON. Writing on the 12th of January to his father, Francis says I cannot say that I agree in what Hodgson says', but as I have written so often to you on this subject, giving my own reasons and those of others upon the question, it is scarcely necessary to repeat them. I will work like a trooper whilst I am here, and when I get to Cambridge and to Mathematics, which for the last three or four years it has been my principal wish to study, I am confident that I shall not lose time. Please thank Mater for sending my coat. Tell Pemmy that I thought of her and the balls on Wednesday and Saturday." On January 21 Francis reports to his father the loss of his purse '~ I am as angry with myself as possible; the only thing that consoles me is that everybody is served out similarly, even you, e.g. your gold watch at the Spread Eagle. Catch me putting anything above 5 shillings in my coat tail pocket again. Hang the rascals. I shall have to pay Cartwright's bill for a great coat and frock coat which I ordered from Leamington and which together will be about £ll. So could you send me another cheque which I will take the same care of as a passport in Austria. Everything else going on prosperously. I have just received your letter, and will certainly call on Lizzie Forster' as soon as I easily can (this week or so). Your Sliding Rule is in continual use. Thank you very much for writing for my rooms at Cambridge " The next letter is written three days later MY DEAR GOVERNOR, Hurrah ! not been pickpocketted after all. Purse and Door key slipped through a hole in pocket of my old Reading Coat into the lining, where I found them last night. I expect a regular good rowing blowing-up letter from you to cross - this on the road, which will do me lots of good. Tar, Tar. FRAS. GALTON. Thanks innumerable to Delly for cardcase. 1 Presumably Hodgson was not in favour of the mathematical interlude in a medical career. s Lizzie Forster was the Quaker lady who had been housekeeper at Duddeston after the death of Mrs Samuel Galton (Lucy Barclay). P. G. 15