OCR Rendition - approximate
Lehrjahre and Wanderjahre 109 Yates. I am as well as possible. Cartwright charges awfully, viz. for 1 coat I waistcoat 2 pr trousers £9. 19. 6. I have moreover begun fencing at Angelo's Rooms. The charges are high but as for exercise etc., I think it -was about the best thing I could do, 3 hours twice a week for the season, almost the whole year, at fencing, single stick or whatever I like, £11. These two have been my great expenses, but luckily they don't come again. The way I spend my time differs a good deal according to the dissection or not, 9-10 Anatomical Lecture, 10J-1j dissection, 2-3 Chemical Lecture, 3-4 Physiological Lecture, 5-6 read or walk or fence or something of the sort ; 6-7 dinner; doze j of an hour, often a wee more, then tea till 8. Read and microscopize till 1 and amuse myself till 2 or 32 1 according as I am lazy or not. Sleep till 8. So I eat 2 hours, sleep 7, attend lectures 3, read hard 3'1, microscopize 1, dissect 3, amuse myself 3, dress etc. etc. 11. This is something of the way I spend my time. Now for the way I spend my money; this is not exact to sixpences-though N.B. I keep accounts £ s. Cartwright ... ... 10 Fencing ... ... ... 11 Dissecting Case etc. ... 2 10 An upper Extremity of an abdomen ... 18 Boots & Shoes ... 2 14 Stationery ... ... 1 10 Luncheon (about 1 shilling per week) ... 5 Exceedingly diversified Chemical Apparatus ... d. 6 28 17 6 Washing ... ... 10 Postage 4 _ £30 nearly. Tell Pew-that she is a nice Pem. Thank Delly for letter. Your microscope is very useful. Mr Partridge has let me have the use of his very splendid one, value £60. But I use your one commonly. Tell Mater that I thought of her and the Pig. I am afraid that the Pork Pie is not quite worth the carriage, although made out of a Claverdon Pig. Loves to all. Tell Bessy that paws are improving though I have got a out on them. FRAS. GALTON. Daniell's lixperiments are most beautiful. He froze some Carbonic Acid Gas the other day by first condensing it to a liquid and then letting it suddenly free, the abstraction of Heat for Latent froze it at a temperature of 130° Fahr. below the Freezing Point, it could be held up as the Carbonic Acid Gas being given off in every direction from it keeps it from actually touching the hand. I swallowed a piece, queer taste. Some mercury was frozen with it in no time. The next letter is of special interest not only for the advice it contains from Charles Darwin, but for the picture of the young medical student, who trusts his sister's home recipes in preference to his own knowledge !